
【5/20 Topic】IEO of Colopla “Brillion Crypto Token (BRIL)”, USDT delisting from Kraken Europe is not planned, etc. |

web3 news as a podcast!

The “Warm Economy” editorial department delivers news commentary on blockchain, virtual currency (crypto assets), and fintech through a podcast every weekday. Distributed through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Voicy, etc. Please be sure to follow Chenel (register for subscription) on each service to help us collect daily information.

News introduced

  • Colopla’s “Brilliant Crypto Token (BRIL)” conducts IEO, purchase application date via coin check decided
  • USDT delisting in Europe is “not planned at this time,” US Kraken said after the report.
  • Ethereum L2 ‘zkSync’ announces scheduled upgrade to AirDrawing v24 at the end of June
  • Chinese digital yuan now available at Hong Kong retailers
  • Genesis returns $3 billion to customers through bankruptcy
  • Jinko Receives Grant from Aptos Foundation
  • Vitalik talks about the three challenges that are core to Ethereum decentralization
  • The World Coin Foundation deleted the iris code and introduced a system to distribute and secretly share data.
  • Avalanche tokenizes luxury wine fund and lists it on crypto asset stock exchange ATS

→Each article starts from here

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Opening song: Mike Kobayashi


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