Stocks News
📈 Prop GT Expert Advisor trading results for FTMO accounts for May 27-31 📈 – Statistics – June 3, 2024

During this week, EA made 6 trades with Prop Firm FTMO, all 6 of which were profitable. EA’s total profit is $3,469, which is 3.4% of the weekly deposit.
You must be 10% profitable to complete the Prop Firm challenge. For this you need to earn 2.5% per share and not violate the account withdrawal rules. Prop GT is a great tool for trading Prop Firm accounts, providing complete control over profitability and loss control.
This Expert Advisor will help you successfully complete the Prop Firm Challenge, and most importantly, your EA will have the capital to grow so you can make a profit.
Send your weekly results to @prop_ea chat and if you are not using Expert Advisor yet, you can install it.