
4 Signs Your Costco Membership Isn’t Worth It

Costco has a well-deserved reputation as one of the best places to shop. They offer high-quality products, competitive prices, and treat their employees well. Even after paying the annual fee, a Costco membership can save many shoppers hundreds of dollars each year.

There are a lot of things to love about Costco, but it’s not for everyone. If any of the following are true for you, you may not be getting value for your money from a Costco membership.

1. You are an impulsive shopper.

While many people save money by shopping at Costco, some people end up spending more because they buy much more than they originally intended.

Costco warehouses are designed to encourage impulse buying. You have to walk through the entire warehouse to get to the grocery section. You might say, “You know? I need a few Kirkland shirts.” The free sample stations and rotating product selection don’t help either.

Costco is great if you have a shopping list and stick to a plan. It’s also not a bad idea to pay with a Costco credit card for cash back. That way, you can get what you need at a reasonable price. If you’re tempted to fill your cart with other items, a Costco membership can lead to overspending.

2. Don’t live near a warehouse.

To get the most out of your Costco membership, you need to shop there often. It’s much easier if you live 15-20 minutes from a warehouse. You can do your weekly grocery shopping there and stop by after work without having to leave the store.

If the nearest warehouse is more than 30 minutes away, it’s a more difficult decision. You’ll have to drive more than an hour for a round trip. In addition to the time investment, you’ll also spend more on gas and wear and tear on your car.

Some members drive far away to shop at Costco. They like the prices and the quality of the food, and they buy things every time they visit. A Costco membership can still work in this situation. Consider how much more valuable it is than shopping nearby.

3. Not much storage space

Costco may be your best option when you want to buy in bulk. 36 rolls of toilet paper, two 28-ounce jars of peanut butter, a 4-pound bag of frozen berries, the list goes on.

Buying in bulk is one of the ways people save money at Costco. The downside is that buying in bulk takes up a lot more space in your pantry, freezer, and storage.

If you’re short on space at home, shopping at Costco can be a frustrating experience. You see amazing deals on items you want to buy, but then quickly realize you have nowhere to put them.

4. There are other inexpensive grocery options

In some areas, Costco is far superior to the local grocery store. They sell much better food and their prices are just as good or better. In other areas, it is easy to find good food at reasonable prices and Costco is not that special.

I had that experience when I lived in Los Angeles, and it was the reason I eventually decided to stop shopping at Costco. There were plenty of places to buy groceries, some close to where I lived, and none that required me to wander through a huge warehouse. I realized that it was much more convenient to shop at other stores and it didn’t affect my weekly grocery bill.

Costco membership isn’t cheap, but it still costs $65 a year, or $130 if you get the Executive membership. If any of the above signs apply to you, you may want to shop elsewhere.

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