8 new tradable tokens added!

We are excited to announce that AUCTION, CPOOL, KMNO, PRCL, PRIME, TURBO, ZEX, and ZK are all now available on Kraken!
Funding and Trading
Trading for all eight assets will begin today, August 13, 2024 at 5:00 PM (UTC).
To add assets to your Kraken account, go to Funding, select the desired asset, and press ‘Deposit’.
You must deposit tokens on a network supported by Kraken. Any deposits made using other networks will be lost.
The new token will be tradable on Kraken and Kraken Pro using the following parameters:
legacy | pair | Price Decimal Precision | Minimum order size | Minimum deposit amount |
auction | US Dollar, Euro | 3 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
CPOOL | US Dollar, Euro | 5 | 50 | 50 |
KMNO | US Dollar, Euro | 5 | 200 | 200 |
Promotion | US Dollar, Euro | 4 | 5 | 5 |
beginning | US Dollar, Euro | 3 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Turbo | US Dollar, Euro | 6 | 2000 | 2000 |
Sex | US Dollar, Euro | 5 | 200 | 200 |
ZK | US Dollar, Euro | 4 | 10 | 10 |
memo: Trading and instant purchases via the Kraken app are available when liquidity conditions are met. (when enough buyers and sellers have entered the market to enable orders to be matched efficiently).
KMNO, PRCL, and ZEK are not available in Canada and the United States.
Here are more details on these eight assets:
Auction – Bounce is an ‘Auction-as-a-Service’ product family that provides the infrastructure for users to build and manage decentralized auctions. Supporting a variety of auction formats and digital and physical asset applications, Bounce provides no-code tools for deploying auctions in permissionless settings. AUCTION tokens can be staked for rewards, used as a means of payment on the Bounce Marketplace, or used as a governance token that allows holders to vote on decisions that affect the development of the protocol.
CPOOL – Clearpool is a decentralized credit marketplace that provides unsecured loans to verified institutions. Users can earn risk-adjusted interest by lending cryptocurrencies without a lock-in period. The CPOOL token acts as both a utility token and a governance token, allowing users to earn income through staking and share their opinions on governance.
KMNO – Kamino is a DeFi suite built on the Solana blockchain. In addition to providing lending and borrowing functionality, Vaults allow users to long/short assets, earn fees by placing liquidity on DEXs, and leverage exposure to assets. KMNO is Kamino’s governance token, allowing holders to participate in the protocol’s DAO.
PRCL – Parcl is a decentralized perpetual futures exchange focused on real estate synthesizing. The City Index aggregates real estate values within a specific area, allowing users to speculate on the median price per square foot (or square meter) in the global market. The PRCL token is used for protocol governance and can later be used to gate real estate data.
Prime – Echelon is a play-to-earn game stack that integrates blockchain features to enrich the gaming experience. Currently integrated into the Parallel trading card game, users can use and earn tokens, PRIME, in the sci-fi themed TCG. The PRIME token provides access to gated products, services, and experiences within the ecosystem.
Turbo – Turbo is a memecoin born from an experiment where ChatGPT was asked to create the ‘next great memecoin’ with a budget of $69. The project boasts a community-driven roadmap, abandoned smart contracts, and no buy/sell taxes. TURBO is an Ethereum blockchain-based token that can be stored, sent, and received by users with an Ethereum cryptocurrency wallet.
JEX – Zeta Markets is a decentralized perpetual exchange on the Solana blockchain. It emphasizes user experience and security, boasting an on-chain limit order book, up to 10x cross margin leverage, and full custody of assets. The ZEX token is both a utility token and a governance token, allowing holders to earn rewards, submit proposals, and vote on future upgrades to the protocol.
JK – ZKSync is a zero-knowledge (ZK) rollup layer 2 protocol that enables cheap and fast transactions that are not limited by the constraints of the base chain. It inherits the security of Ethereum by leveraging proofs of validity, and tries to replicate the Ethereum experience with a better UX, all in a trustless setting. ZK is the protocol’s governance token, ensuring that decision-making remains decentralized.
Ready to trade but don’t have a Kraken account yet? Sign up today!
Is Kraken planning to release more assets?
Yes! However, our policy is not to disclose any details until just before launch, including assets under consideration. All available tokens on Kraken can be found here, and all future tokens will be announced on Kraken’s blog and social media profiles. Our customer engagement specialists cannot answer questions about what assets will be offered in the future.
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We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of such information and we are not responsible for any errors, omissions or delays in the presentation or use of this information or for any loss, injury or damage arising from such information. Kraken does not and will not seek to increase or decrease the price of any particular crypto asset it offers. Some crypto products and markets are unregulated and may not be protected by governmental compensation and/or regulatory protections. The unpredictable nature of the crypto asset markets can result in the loss of funds. Any gains and/or appreciation in the value of crypto assets may be subject to taxation and you should seek independent advice regarding your tax position. Geographic restrictions may apply.