
Mining Profitability – Daily Mined BTC Calculation

There are two ways to calculate profitability estimates:

144 blocks are expected per day, giving a subsidy of ₿6.25 each. A total of 900 new Bitcoins are expected to be released per day. Your miner runs at 110TH/s (1.1×1014 h/s). The mining pool currently self-reports a total hash rate of 525.35EH/s (5.2535×10).20 H/S).
expected profit R It is a percentage of the total reward equal to the percentage of the hash rate.

R / 900 ₿ = 110 TH/s / 525.35 EH/s  
R = 900 ₿ × 1.1E14 / 5.2535E20  
R = 90,000,000,000 sats × 1.1 / 5,253,500  
R = 18,844.6 sats

Obviously, this will increase due to the fees collected by these blocks and the increase in block production that we will mostly see.

H    your hashrate in Hash/s
D    the current difficulty
S    the block subsidy
R    your revenue per day

Finding a block takes an estimated D×2.48/65,535 hashes. The current difficulty level is 67,305,906,902,031. A day has 60×60×24 = 86,400 seconds.

R = H × seconds_per_day × S / (D×2^48/65,535)
R = H × 86,400 × S × 65,535 / (D×2^48)
R = 1.1e14 H/s × 3600×24 s × 6.25 ₿ × 65,535 / (67,305,906,902,031×2^48) = 0.000205479 ₿
R = 20,457.9 sats

Here we used the current subsidy for block rewards, but this currently needs to be adjusted by collecting a sizable expected fee. Checking my calculations against the results of Nicehash’s profitability calculator shows that the above estimates are in the right ballpark, considering the recent significant commissions.

Plugging the same values ​​into Nicehash's profitability calculator estimates an income of approximately 28,252 sats.

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