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NordFX: Top News and Analysis Provider 2023 – Company News – January 18, 2024

According to the results of a poll on the information portal, the brokerage NordFX was named the best news and analysis provider of 2023. He won “by a clear margin” with more than 75% of the vote. NordFX. is one of the leading portals with comprehensive coverage of news and events in the Forex, CFD and cryptocurrency industries. The winners of the Forexing Awards are determined by public voting by visitors to this online platform, and the awards are particularly valuable because they most objectively reflect the opinions of the professional community. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who voted in high praise for the work of NordFX Analytical Group..

The platform’s congratulatory letter to NordFX reads: “We sincerely congratulate you on being named ‘Best News and Analysis Provider’ in 2023. This prestigious award is a testament to your outstanding service and analysis. Dedicated to the brokerage industry. At, we take pride in recognizing and celebrating excellence in the financial sector. Our team reviews, evaluates and nominates the best companies in the industry. This award recognizes the best performing retail international and local forex brokers. “Your achievements stand out as significant contributions to the industry.”

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