
Ethereum Foundation grant announced for Parity Technologies

The Ethereum Foundation is pleased to announce a $5 million USD scalability, usability, and security grant to Parity Technologies.

For many years, Parity Technologies has been a valuable member of the Ethereum ecosystem, providing leadership in key development efforts. Parity Ethereum clients etc. Their work continued at breakneck speed. At Devcon4 in Prague, members of the Parity team announced their plans to develop the Serenity implementation, foreshadowing exciting directions for the coming years.

By all indications, Parity is a major technology contributor to the Ethereum project, and has done so especially with its self-funded and open source efforts since its inception.

The Ethereum Foundation is committed to funding teams and individuals building a common infrastructure centered on scalability, usability, and security. To that end, given Parity’s constant drive to raise the bar on technology and a clear focus on next-generation advancements like Proof-of-Stake, Sharding, and WebAssembly, we couldn’t think of a more appropriate grant.

We are thrilled to see the ecosystem coming back together to support technological advantage and value alignment, and we are committed to using our resources to further advance this mission. We do this responsibly through milestone-based grants for projects large and small, proportional to the potential impact of the work.

This grant funds Parity’s work on Casper, sharding, light clients, developer tools, QA, auditing, and infrastructure improvements. The funds will be delivered in several installments, the first of which will support developments already completed by Parity. Others depend on reaching explicit milestones, including:

  • eWasm compatibility work completed

  • We are shipping a light wallet for mainnet.

  • successful completion Stage 0 and Stage 1 of sharding.

We appreciate Parity Technologies’ hard work and dedication to Ethereum, and hope that this grant will serve as a reminder of how much they have already contributed, as well as an indicator of an exciting future ahead. Please join us in congratulating Parity Technologies on receiving this major Ethereum Foundation grant.

Ethereum Foundation Team

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