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Techs and Semis Leading the Downtrend | Moxie indicator minutes

The market was severely overbought heading into the new year, so it lost some steam. As TG Watkins points out, you can see this in the broad numbers. As TG explains in this week’s edition, there are some notable names emerging in tech now, so it’s time to come back and see if the next major wave is on the horizon. Moxie indicator minutes,

This video originally premiered on January 19, 2024. Please click this link Watch it on StockCharts TV.

new episode of Moxie indicator minutes Premiere every week. Archived episodes of the show can be found at: this link.

TG Watkins

About the author:
TG Watkins is Director of Equities at Simpler Trading. After earning his engineering degree, he began earning his Series 6 and 63 licenses and began his career as a financial advisor with New York Life. It was here that Mr. Watkins’ knowledge of the financial industry exploded. Learn more

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