
You can watch Devcon3 videos now! | Ethereum Foundation Blog

To accommodate the biggest request since Devcon, we’re excited to announce that Devcon3 videos are now available!

As promised, we recorded sessions from both the main and breakout halls over the four days of Devcon3. Given that this year there were two halls instead of one, and an additional four days of presentations, we are delighted to be able to deliver a full recorded session in less time than it took last year. This year, the camerawork and raw footage were cleaner, and bringing the post-production team onsite helped us produce and publish videos quickly.

Check out the Ethereum Foundation Devcon3 playlist on YouTube here.

Day 1 (November 1, 2017)

Day 2 (November 2, 2017)

Day 3 (November 3, 2017)

Day 4 (November 4, 2017)


This post is a follow-up to the first post. Devcon3 summary.

It took our best effort and a little extra time to review, check and organize the videos. If you have any information that needs attention or updates, please email us. Subject: “Incoming: Video Production”. Additionally, the actual agenda is still accessible for reference. Devcon3 agenda page.

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