
Litecoin MimbleWimble October Summary Update

This update was written and provided by Litecoin MimbleWimble lead developer. David Burkett.



Quarkslab has completed your code audit! 🚀

I am scheduled to meet with them on Friday to discuss their findings. We will then make the audit report public through a blog post and look forward to sharing it with you all.


You can read the full report by sharing the blog post, so I won’t go into too much depth about the results here. But to take a quick look:

We discovered one critical issue that resulted from a mistake while merging the MWEB code and the v0.21.1 code together. So when you copy your changes to the latest release code, you miss a small but important line of validation code that a malicious attacker could exploit to cause serious disruption in the chain 😳

This tells us…

  1. You will benefit from better functional test coverage of your verification logic, allowing you to catch similar issues yourself in future releases.

  2. You should consider adding some processes you can follow to minimize the chances of this happening. This might mean documenting all changes, having two people perform a merge separately and then compare the results, or changing the way you approach code reviews.

  3. The audit was a really good idea (thanks Quarkslab!)

There were also some small discoveries and some great suggestions on how we can improve the quality and safety of our code. Overall they were very impressed with the quality of the code and it was interesting to listen to 🥳

v0.21.1 (Taproot) released

The launch process 5 that we inherited from Bitcoin can be quite painful. Build repeatable and deterministic binaries from source code using gitian 4. This means that multiple people can build code on different computers (and even different operating systems) and still get the same release binary. We can then all compare the results and sign the release to prove that we all agree that the published release is safe and accurate.

There’s a lot of magic involved in doing this, which makes it time consuming and often a frustrating experience (especially for n00bs like me). So I was really drawn to this 😬
. I finally got this working a few days ago, and after struggling with old scripts, I was able to successfully build all the binaries. I’ll sign it tomorrow and forward it to other developers so they can iterate on the build and see the results.

MWEB Testnet

After many promises and withdrawals, we finally decided to release a binary that would allow even non-technical users to try out the MWEB testnet. Right now only the Windows release is available, but we’ll be working on getting binaries for Mac OS X on Friday. Linux users can make their own because it’s tiring 😝

Link: MWEB Testnet Release 26

If you want to check the binary first, here is my gpg key 8. When I have time, I’ll add instructions on how to do this to the releases page.

There is no installer. We don’t want anyone to accidentally replace their actual Litecoin wallet, so use it like this:

  • Download the zip file and check it.
  • extraction litecoin-63fe928e4e8a folder
  • Find and Run litecoin-qt.exe Inside the bin folder

This defaults to using the MWEB testnet, which has a different colored logo and (mwebtest) The title bar uses mwebtest coin rather than actual Litecoin coin. So don’t try to use it for real money.

To get mwebtest coins, you either need to mine a block (blocks can be mined on your CPU right away), or you need to give the coins to someone. If anyone wants to install a faucet I have tons of coins 🙂

Also, if anyone wants to write a guide on how to generate, send and receive stealth addresses and all the fun stuff that comes with it, you’d be my favorite person.

remaining schedule

You’re back waiting for me again ⏱
After we finish applying the thanks suggestions, we proceed with the tedious process of merging, coordinating the final review, writing release notes, and finally starting our beloved gitian build. I’m not sure exactly how long it will take, but they say it increases by one day for each person who requests it 😜

It was a really long journey😅

PS 132 is the latest.

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