
Bitcoin Core – Orphan blocks in my Debug.log –

Here is my Debug.log:

2023-10-27 05:48:02 Error: CTxMemPool::accept(): Non-standard transaction (scriptpubkey)

2023-10-27 05:48:02 Received: tx (421 bytes)

2023-10-27 05:48:02 Error: CTxMemPool::accept(): Non-standard transaction (scriptpubkey)

2023-10-27 05:48:02 Received: Block (697515 bytes)

2023-10-27 05:48:02 Block received 000000000000000000033a0e17f780d84bd05dd479f8b5b1a052c2a23b433417

2023-10-27 05:48:02 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK, prev=00000000000000000003f0be72edf0554c803ea8f1bf69ca3f9606992deac8d9

2023-10-27 05:48:02 Sent: getblocks (997 bytes)

2023-10-27 05:48:02 CreateNewBlock(): Total size 1224

2023-10-27 05:48:02 BitcoinMiner run with 2 transactions in block (413 bytes)

I am running Bitcoin Satoshi 0.8.6-Beta with GEN=1 set and downloading and processing the blockchain. – While running GEN=0, I found several proof-of-work verified by my node. – And they are marked as orphans if: Use the gettransaction transaction in the console panel. Setting GEN=1 will cause my wallet to generate mined rewards. We also found many orphaned blocks and transactions from other nodes. There is no knowledge base containing this information.

I also have my coinbase.conf file set up as follows:


maxmempool=2024 megabytes

mempoolexpiry=240000 hours

persistmempool=1 Yes, keep mempool in memory for restarts.


Block reconstructionextratxn=1042300

You can also do the trick of processing orphaned transactions and adding them to the Mempool. My debug.log shows a huge number of transactions being added and confirmed.

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