
Privacy – Is address reuse always bad?

a) In this scenario, where B is not spending anything from that address other than sending it to the exchange, and A already knows how much B is receiving in rent, there is strictly speaking no privacy benefit between A and B using new addresses for each. doesn’t exist. However, it will be easily noticeable to third parties on the chain that an address receives payments on a regular basis, especially if A pays from the same address each time.

b) A, and anyone observing the chain, knows the address and all transactions associated with that address.

c) Information about A and B is not hidden. A third party monitoring the chain will not know if it is the same person receiving the payment each month, such as if the same address is reused. .

d) Overall, this is less applicable in cases where it only involves sending to a clearing house. Using a different address provides an advantage when B sends Bitcoin to a new person. If B has all of his Bitcoin at the same address, even if he only sends a small amount, he is exposing the entire stack to anyone who wants to pay. For example, when you send someone $20, you don’t want them to see your total bank account balance. Another advantage is that there are no activities that cannot be defined by third parties. It is noticeable that payments are made to the same address every month.

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