
Transforming the Future: A Journey into Model-Based Systems Engineering at the Singapore Institute of Technology

Amid Singapore’s dynamic urban landscape, pioneering initiatives are unfolding at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). A group of 56 students embarked on a unique journey into the world of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Under the mentorship of Marco Forlingieri, Associate Professor at SIT and ASEAN Engineering Leader at IBM Singapore, students participated in a hands-on exploration of IBM® Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody®. This course is Singapore’s only dedicated MBSE academic offering.

IBM: It’s not just cloud and AI

IBM has been at the forefront of technological innovation. Known for cutting-edge AI technologies such as IBM®™ and IBM Cloud® Business, we are also a global leader in powerful engineering systems such as IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management. This commitment extends to nurturing future systems engineers, exemplified by our exclusive MBSE course collaboration with SIT.

MBSE Revealed: A Paradigm Shift in Engineering Methodology

Model-based systems engineering is a departure from traditional engineering approaches. MBSE breaks away from traditional, paper-heavy methods and brings complex systems to life through visual models. For example, imagine designing a car. Instead of interpreting pages of documentation, you can visualize the structure and function of your car through static and dynamic executable models. In other words, it is a preview before actual production. In other words, MBSE uses models to improve systems engineering.

Example of an IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody diagram representing vehicle lighting functions

SIT’s Immersive Learning Journey

Under Marco’s guidance, students in SIT’s Mechatronics Systems degree program spent three months exploring real-world applications of MBSE. This hands-on course goes beyond the theoretical foundations and focuses on the fundamental elements of MBSE: methods, language, and tools. Students demonstrated their skills in a variety of activities, including selecting a system to model, defining modeling goals, pitching MBSE mocks to engineering organizations, defining system architecture, and creating advanced model simulations.

IBM received special recognition for helping students realize the full potential of MBSE by providing the necessary expertise, tools and licensing through their academic programs.

Associate Professor Paw Yew Chai (far left), SIT MBSE student and program leader of the SIT Mechatronics Systems degree program, and Marco Forlingieri (centre), SIT Associate Professor and Senior Technical Leader at IBM Singapore.

Voices from the classroom: MBSE in action.

“This course was a game-changer,” says Nicole Charmaine Ng, one of the SIT students who took the IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody course. “We didn’t just learn,” she said. We applied MBSE to a real-world scenario, such as a next-generation air conditioning system, and used it for early validation to verify system behavior and interfaces before implementation. This is useful not only for prototyping, but also for enhancing existing systems or identifying problems at a much earlier stage. “Thanks to the support of our faculty and Enrico Seidel from Continental Automotive, we were able to learn how to master IBM® Rhapsody® in a matter of weeks.”

“Rhapsody ensures compliance with the system modeling language notation and is a useful tool for learning MBSE,” says SIT student Gregory Mah Jin Long, who took the course. “Learning through modeling was essential! “Singapore’s aspirations to become Southeast Asia’s leading innovation and research and development hub are becoming a reality, especially after recent investments from companies such as Hyundai, Dyson and NVIDIA, and MBSE can accelerate this journey!”

Two SIT MBSE students presenting system modes

SIT student John Abogado and his group colleagues used IBM Rhapsody as a prototype for a thermomix system and explored several new features. John gets straight to the point: “IBM Rhapsody provides comprehensive yet simple modeling and design tools to help us create heat mixing simulations. Additionally, integrating and supporting computer programming into our modeling tools helped us implement the complex functionality of Thermomix.”

Systems Engineer: Pioneering Singapore’s Tech Frontier

Demand for skilled systems engineers is growing as Singapore is at the forefront of technological innovation, led by companies such as ST Engineering, Dyson and Continental. For example, the Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB) reports that the Electronics and Precision Engineering cluster, which encompasses systems engineering, has recorded an impressive annual growth of 7%.

Associate Professor Paw Yew Chai, who leads the Mechatronics Systems Program at SIT, believes that teaching MBSE with the help of industry experts and advanced tools such as IBM products can be of great benefit.

“We used other industry tools in the past, but they were very limited,” said A/Prof Paw. “We love using IBM tools at companies like Continental and ST Engineering that require MBSE technology. Here our students choose an integrated work-study program and apply the knowledge they have learned in class. Not only will this help them gain valuable skills before entering the job market, it will also benefit Singapore’s engineering sector by leveraging highly skilled systems engineers.”

SIT’s Commitment to Real-World Technology

Known for its commitment to applied learning, SIT offers industry-relevant degree programs that prepare graduates to become employable and future-ready professionals. We aim to maximize the potential of our students by combining academic knowledge and skills with practical applications in industry and the community. SIT’s MBSE course exemplifies this ethos and prepares students for the challenges of modern engineering.

A student’s IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody project demonstrating an autonomous vacuum cleaner prototype
Student Rhapsody Project on a Cooking Thermomixer Prototype

A/Prof Paw says: “We are pleased to have associate professors and guest lecturers from industry who complement our academic curriculum with their professional expertise. This helps foster the development of graduates’ deep domain-specific knowledge, industry readiness and transferable skills, and ensures the curriculum remains relevant to evolving industry needs.”

SIT’s MBSE course, powered by IBM Rhapsody, is an important step in nurturing the skills of future systems engineers. As Singapore solidifies its status as a hub for technological innovation, collaborations between SIT and companies such as IBM highlight the important role of advanced education in training the engineers of the future. The journey to MBSE is not just an academic pursuit. This is a transformative experience that will open the door to a bright career in systems engineering.

Find out what Rhapsody can do for you.

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