Crypto Mining

January 2024 Work Progress Report: Mining Coordination and Technology Updates

January work progress reportJanuary work progress report

LIKE reward reduction

In keeping with our commitment to transparency and to provide you with up-to-date information, we would like to inform our community of recent changes to KASPA mining rewards. As described in the KASPA EMISSION SCHEDULE, the block reward for KASPA miners has been adjusted from 146.83 KAS to 138.59 KAS. These changes reflect the dynamic nature of cryptocurrency mining and are an integral part of KASPA’s long-term sustainability plan. For detailed profitability analysis, please refer to 2CryptoCalc.

node update

Tribune’s Crypto CoinTribune’s Crypto Coin
January will also bring a series of important updates to the node infrastructure, ensuring 2Miners remains at the forefront of mining technology and security.

Zcash (ZEC) v5.8.0

The Zcash network has introduced version 5.8.0, a maintenance release that improves the stability of the network by updating dependencies and setting a new service termination height. This update is critical for the continuity of services within the Zcash ecosystem and we urge all node operators to upgrade immediately.

Ergo Protocol Reference Client v5.0.19

Ergo has released version 5.0.19 of its protocol reference client with improvements across the board, from Scala compilation of core components to bundled binaries for various operating systems. This update also addresses certain bugs and improves API functionality to simplify operations for all users.

Beam Groovy Gluon 7.5.13840

Beam’s latest update, Groovy Gluon, introduces important bug fixes and outlines known limitations, including CLI wallet operation and DApp Store functionality in the latest Ubuntu versions. In particular, this update highlights the need for persistent CLI wallet connectivity for successful Atomic Swaps and the transparency implications of using public offline addresses.

Neuro (CKB) 0.113.0

The latest update to the Nervos network brings performance improvements and important fixes, especially in transaction synchronization and processing. Improvements to the Rocksdb bloom filter and persistent softfork cache are notable for their potential to improve overall network performance.

These updates highlight our ongoing commitment to maintaining a robust and cutting-edge mining infrastructure. As always, we are doing our best to provide miners with the best possible environment for their efforts.

Stay connected with 2Miners for more updates and opportunities. Twitter Join the Telegram miner community. Local chat is also available in Russian, Turkish, Spanish and Chinese. We are committed to your success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency mining and look forward to a prosperous year ahead. Happy mining!

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