
Olympics: Frontiers Pre-Release | Ethereum Foundation Blog

What started at midnight on February 1, 2014, is now coming to an end. We are excited to announce the 9th and final launch of our Ethereum Proof-of-Concept series. We invite the community to join the ongoing Proof-of-Concept IX testnet in our current release, Olympic. It’s available now.

The purpose of the Olympics is to test the limits of the Ethereum blockchain during the pre-launch period and see how the network holds up at a high level by spamming the network with transactions and rewarding those who do crazy things to the country. load level. At the same time, application developers, data providers, exchanges and users are encouraged to develop and deploy and run nodes on the testnet. If you have multiple virtual private servers, spin up as many nodes as possible.

The Olympics will offer a total prize pool of up to 25,000 ETH. The first person to create a significant fork on the testnet will receive prizes in four categories as well as the grand prize.

The four categories of products are as follows: trading activity, Virtual machine usage, Mining Capacity and general punishment. Each category may include a main prize of 2,500 ETH, as well as one or more smaller prizes of 100 – 1,000 ETH and smaller rewards of 0.1-5 ETH just for participation. Each category will be judged by Vitalik, Gavin and Jeff with hands-on help from automated blockchain analysis tools. As with the bounty program, in addition to Ether, all winners are entitled to have their names immortalized in the Ethereum Genesis block. To claim your prize, send an email to explaining your claim.

This is also the final step in the Ethereum development process before Frontier launch. The network has proven to be very stable at its current size of 20-100 nodes, all major clients have maintained consensus and we are approaching a code freeze. Testing and audit input are pending. We reserve the right to shorten or extend the period based on technical considerations, but it is expected to last approximately 14 days. Once we determine it is ready, we will provide a 48-hour countdown to the launch of Frontier 1.0.

Binaries and source are available at:

A work-in-progress guide for Frontier can be found here.

trading activity

This includes activities related to sending and receiving transactions. Examples of things you can compensate for include:

  • Account with the highest total number of transactions
  • Account with the highest total gas usage
  • Account with the highest total number of transactions
  • These are the accounts that contribute the most bloat (measured in bytes) to the blockchain in terms of transaction tree content.
  • The account with the lowest address (in terms of alphabetical or numerical representation, the two orders are identical) to which at least one transaction is sent.
  • Two accounts sending at least one transaction whose addresses are closest to each other

Virtual machine usage

This includes activities related to the use of virtual machines. Examples of things you can compensate for include:

  • Account making the most calls among all opcodes
  • Account calling the most opcodes within a single transaction
  • The account sending the single transaction that takes the longest time for a given client to execute.
  • Account sending the single transaction with the highest percentage of execution time per unit gas consumed
  • Accounts that received the most total messages
  • Account that returns the account with the highest total gas usage.
  • The account that creates the contract with the lowest address (either in lexicographic order or in terms of numerical representation; both orders are the same)
  • The account sending the transaction to the largest (measured in bytes) encoded receipt RLP.
  • Accounts generating the most transactions where Bloom is a (unique) minority
  • For example, the author of a contract containing a Sudoku solver takes as input an array of 81 values ​​and outputs an array of 81 values ​​corresponding to the solved Sudoku.

Mining Capacity

This includes activities related to mining. Miners are identified by their Coinbase address. Examples of things you can compensate for include:

  • Miner producing the largest block on the main chain (measured in bytes)
  • Miner contributing the most total bytes of block data to the mainchain
  • Miner who mines the highest number of blocks in a row
  • Miners with the most transactions
  • The miner who produces the block that takes the longest time for a particular client to process.

general punishment

This includes harassing the Lord in crazy ways, signing contracts to do crazy things, etc. Examples of things you can compensate for include:

  • Sender/miner of the transaction/block adding the largest number of entries to the contract store
  • Contract creator with largest code (externally owned accounts only)
  • Contract creator with the most stored items
  • Contract generator containing the key/value pair with the highest Merkle tree depth (i.e. maximum number of hash lookups before reaching the value)
  • Contract creator commits suicide with the most items in the warehouse
  • It is the contract writer who performs the most successive save updates so that the save roots at each step are few.

The above categories are by no means a complete list of items eligible for prizes. If you’ve done anything other than what’s mentioned above that you think is worth considering, please send me an email.

Grand Prize

A minimum target of 5,000 ether will be shared between miners who create a significant fork between the Go and C++ clients. The fork must be on the main chain. One client must accept the block and the other must reject it. Smaller prizes for forks between Go/C++ and Python may also be offered.

good luck. I look forward to seeing and hearing what ideas you all come up with!

– Ethereum Core Development Team

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