
Someone is trying to register a Litecoin trademark in Europe.


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It looks like someone is trying to trademark the word “Litecoin” in Europe, and the Litecoin Association is seeking help from users to challenge the ‘bad’ trademark application. Interestingly, the trademark application has nothing to do with cryptocurrency at all, not even the Litecoin (LTC) cryptocurrency. There is a dedicated website and IndieGoGo campaign that accepts donations of Bitcoin and Litecoin (unfortunately they don’t provide a lot of details and are not professionally created). The goal is to collect the €350 fee needed to file an objection with OHIM, the body that handles trademark issues in the European Union. Any additional funds above the required fees collected will be used to register the Litecoin trademark on behalf of Mr. Charlie Lee and, once approved, release the trademark for use by anyone around the world.

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