
Transactions – How to check if a user has received a Lightning payment?

I’m working on a side project so that users can get some payment from it. When a user clicks a button to withdraw money to a Lightning address, my web app makes a request to the host for that Lightning address and performs the payment.

You can confirm that the transaction has been completed and everything is ok.

However, I run into situations where people say they haven’t received anything, even though the logs say everything should be received and everything should be resolved.

I am aware that there may be some shady users who claim that they actually received the funds but did not try to get more from me. On the other hand, users may have technical issues or lack of Lightning experience and actually receive nothing.

So I can’t say with confidence when it is a case of fraud and when there is actually some problem on their side.

Is there a way to protect myself and tell if a user is trying to trick me or needs help?

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