
Extending second EIA survey with public comment period

The current EIA Emergency Cryptocurrency Mining Facility Survey, conducted by injunction, requires monthly reporting of information from mining facility operators until July 31, 2024. This survey requires gathering information such as power prices from power suppliers and the amount of power available. It also includes detailed information about your mining hardware, including the number of units, hashrate, power consumption, and mining hardware lifespan, as well as the actual amount of power consumed according to your purchase agreement.

It’s surprising news that the investigation was temporarily halted by U.S. District Judge Alan Alright in Waco, Texas, but the final outcome of the lawsuit is still unknown. The next hearing is tomorrow. In my amateur opinion, it is very likely that the emergency investigation will be permanently suspended because procedures were not properly followed during the investigation during the emergency situation.

This would be an incredible win for the ecosystem and would certainly give miners and all of us time to rally and prepare for other regulatory issues that arise in the ecosystem. But just because events ultimately decide in that direction doesn’t mean we will. Still out of the woods.

In parallel with the emergency investigation, EIA plans to extend data collection requirements by three years under existing processes, including a public comment period. This expansion does not change the information requested or the penalties associated with noncompliance. Regardless of the outcome of the trial in Waco, this extension is not part of the emergency investigation authorization and, to the best of my knowledge, is not subject to a decision based on failure to properly follow emergency initiation procedures in facilitating a public comment period. inspection. This will still happen.

The public comment period runs until April 9, 2024. Comments may be submitted through the Federal Registration System here or by email to Glenn McGrath at

We highly encourage you to submit your comments. especially If you operate a commercial mining operation of any size.

There are numerous problems with rationalization, but some of the big ones are:

  • Given that off-grid mining operations are completely separate from the grid, with no impact on power prices or grid stability, what relevance do they have for the purposes of this investigation, whether commercial or not?
  • What risks might there be for private operations that are not required to publicly disclose information about their hashrate inventory or power consumption when disclosing information about their business operations?
  • As evidenced in Texas during Winter Storm Elliot, what value might concerns about grid stability have given the growth and prominence of curtailment strategies and capabilities overall?
  • The fact that this investigation follows a long period of overtly hostile messaging from this administration has been justified on very questionable grounds.
  • This can place a burden on large mining operations in regularly complying and maintaining the information required to comply with inspections.
  • Why do we need GPS coordinates of mining facilities when there are concerns about grid stability and electricity suppliers already have the information they need to survey?

Be polite and concise, but remember to get your point across with any comments. If your intention is simply to use a meme or make a mocking comment about the institution, it is not helpful or constructive at all. Comments must be submitted by April 9, 2024.

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