
Musée d’Orsay unveils NFT auction tied to historic on-chain exhibition

On Thursday, a collection of tokenized artworks from the Musée d’Orsay’s first on-chain exhibition commission will hit the market. It is the product of two experimental artists, months of coordination by museum executives, and thousands of unconscious breaths. Stranger.

Piece, 5 single edition NFTs have been issued. thesis Titled “Convergence of Breathing,” the blockchain is the product of an art installation (and partial social experiment) currently on display at the Musée d’Orsay. “Code of Orsay.”

The steel sculpture installation, titled “Sigma Lumina,” was created by French artist and DJ Sébastian Devaud (aka Agoria) in collaboration with artist Johan Lescure.

When the light from above is perfectly aligned, the sculpture creates a QR code in its shadow. Curious museum patrons who scan the QR code will be guided to create a unique free NFT quoting other Impressionist works on display at the Musée d’Orsay. But only if you help create it by breathing life into your phone.

Agoria to perform a DJ set on Saturday to celebrate the launch
Agoria is performing a DJ set on Saturday to celebrate the release. Image: Musee d’Orsay

When I visited a recent exhibition, decryption In fact, the reporter discovered that many Orsay regulars, from children to the elderly, were looking at their smartphones with puzzled expressions.

Agoria and Lescure have now taken data from these hits (more than 2,000 “Sigma Lumina” NFTs have been minted by museum visitors so far) and synthesized them into a series of five unique NFTs, one each week for the duration of the exhibition.

“I like the fact that everyone’s impact (who comes to the exhibition) is now connected to create a world-class work.” Agoria said decryption.

Five “Convergence of Breaths” NFTs will be sold on Thursday at 5pm CET. Objkt.One, a curated platform for one-of-a-kind on-chain works of art. ‘Orsay Code’ will be performed at the Musée d’Orsay until March 10.

Editor: Andrew Hayward

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