
How does the Cosmos SDK overcome scalability issues while maintaining sovereignty?

How is the scalability of blockchains hindered while interoperating? Typically, this happens because most blockchains today have different consensus mechanisms and technology stacks they use to operate. As a result, if they want to interoperate with each other, they will have to fight for fixed block space as they are linearly linked together as a single layer chain. These practices come with costs in the form of violations of sovereignty. how?

For context, many chains will need to coordinate based on a single chain platform that acts as a connectivity layer for the blockchain to achieve the desired scalability depending on the use case. Even if they do so, single-chain platforms have a fixed block space that cannot be increased at will. This has a huge impact on scalability.

Cosmos Blockchain solves this problem by introducing horizontal scaling, which allows any blockchain to inherit the security of a decentralized ecosystem without compromising sovereignty and scalability. Let’s understand how Cosmos is doing that.

How does Cosmos SDK ensure scalability and sovereignty during interchain operation?

Cosmos SDK App Chain Infrastructure will bring a new wind to the App Chain area by solving the blockchain trilemma problem in the following ways.

Use interchain security

Typically, when interoperability occurs, all chains try to compete with each other to include transactions. Now, the inevitable competition between these chains greatly hinders scalability. Cosmos is using CometBFT, Cosmos SDK, and IBC, which enable the Gated Security concept. In the gated security model, the security of one chain is immediately protected by the next chain and the process continues. Therefore, this not only promotes decentralization, but also greatly alleviates the burden of a single chain serving the needs of vertical scaling, where all blockchain networks are connected to a single underlying chain for communication.

gate security model
gate security model

Simplify development with SDK

Now, with the SDK, if you want a new blockchain to connect to Cosmos Hub, you don’t have to develop it from scratch. Rather, they can use any language approach, and the SDK API can help connect with Cosmos Hub to interoperate with other networks without compromising scalability.

For this reason, we can take help from ABCI or (Application BlockChain Interface), which is designed to provide finite and deterministic state transitions to all networks connected through the Cosmos Hub. This simplifies both agreement and execution. As a result, all events are propagated to ABCI, which transmits messages to other chains, eliminating the need to compete for block space because state transitions can occur simultaneously across multiple chains at a single point in time. Cosmos Hub allows you to enjoy nearly infinite scalability across all interconnected blockchains.

Implement on-chain governance without diluting sovereignty

You can think of Cosmos Herb as the head of the family. All chains connected to each other through the Cosmos Hub will be informed of all decisions in a transparent, auditable, and decentralized manner. However, not all app chains that connect to the Cosmos SDK are required to implement these changes. They are free to approve the event and not implement that change without a fork. However, you will have a say during governance when updating the blockchain. This is the balance of the cosmos ecosystem.

In the Cosmos ecosystem, chains have full control over what they do without having to worry about scalability. However, in order to participate in the Cosmos governance ecosystem, one must acknowledge that the Cosmos Hub is in fact the social capital of the Cosmos ecosystem, and accept this by participating as an independent chain in the Cosmos ecosystem.

The Cosmos SDK gave developers the ability for the first time to create their own applications based on their own business logic without having to worry about whether they could interoperate at scale with the partner ecosystem. However, it is important to keep in mind that despite offering a broad decentralized ecosystem, Cosmos Hub must retain some control over its own ecosystem.

The result is to introduce a system in which all chains participate in Cosmos governance through single-chain voting that does not infringe on their sovereignty, while also providing equal opportunity and responsibility for these chains to feel like they are actually operating. In a distributed ecosystem; Even though it offers scalability and interoperability, it is getting closer to infinite scalability that other blockchain ecosystems have not been able to offer.

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