
bitcoind – Intermittent connection issue – ‘DataStream::read(): end of data: unspecified iostream_category error’

The two nodes I run locally sometimes don’t connect and I get a ‘connection refused’ error on the node I’m connecting to. from. On the node being connected to The debug.log error message shows the following error:

ProcessMessages(version, 115 bytes): Exception 'DataStream::read(): end of data: unspecified iostream_category error' (NSt3__18ios_base7failureE) caught


To solve Exercise 5 of “Writing a Handshake Method for SimpleNode”, we attempt to connect two local nodes.

Since Jimmy no longer maintains a node, I’ve spun it off using Liana on the Testnet (

Socket connection was successful

test_socket_connection(node_ip, node_port) –> You are connected successfully..

Any suggestions for further troubleshooting would be appreciated.

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