
Allocation Update: Q2 2023 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Community and EducationDeFi Security SummitCovering all aspects of DeFi security, including auditing, tooling, and bug mitigation, the Paris, France summit will explore the biggest DeFi exploits and explore practical ways to increase the security coverage of your code.Community and EducationDWeb Camp and Global Fellows Programinternet archiveA five-day event dedicated to solving real-world problems facing Web3 and collaboratively developing the distributed technologies of the future.Community and EducationETHBarcelonaA conference and hackathon in Barcelona, ​​Spain covering topics such as public goods, privacy, and scalability.Community and EducationETH BelgradeConferences and hackathons in Belgrade, Serbia, covering topics such as zero knowledge (ZK), infrastructure and technology. scaling.Community and EducationEthereum Argentina ConferenceConference in Buenos Aires, Argentina with beginner and advanced content on topics such as sharding, ZK, and more staking.Community and EducationEthereum SingaporeHackathons and ZK focused on social impact; layer 2 (L2s), held in Singapore.Community and EducationEthereum Slovenia MeetupWe held a meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia to restart the grassroots activities of the Ethereum Slovenian community.Community and EducationEthereum Uruguay 3rd Edition Eventpublic goods, web3 onboarding in Montevideo, Uruguay; Account abstraction.Community and EducationETHKLWe support organizing Ethereum education and grassroots community activities in Malaysia, including conferences, hackathons, local meetups, and hacker houses.Community and EducationETH Latam HondurasETH painThis is a conference to share knowledge, experience, and education about Ethereum in Latin America to be held in Honduras in 2024.Community and EducationETH PragueThe conference and hackathon held in Prague, Czech Republic, focused on the future of Ethereum and potential concepts or applications that do not yet exist.Community and EducationETHRomeHackathon taking place in Rome, Italy with a focus on governance and privacy technologies.Community and EducationETH WarsawConferences and hackathons focused on topics such as security in Warsaw, Poland L2and Decentralized identity.Community and EducationSMT 2023This workshop aims to bring together researchers working on Satisfaction Modulo Theory (SMT) and users of SMT techniques and tools.Community and EducationWeb3 Lagos ConferenceWeb 3 BridgeConference in Lagos, Nigeria covering Ethereum upgrades, public goods and other topics Account abstraction.Community and EducationNow Web3PrivacyA research project working with the community towards a framework for exploring, analyzing and evaluating privacy in web3 protocols, dapps and services.consensus layerData Availability Sampling R&DecoData Availability Sampling (DAS) R&D work, including development of an enhanced S-Kademlia prototype, writing a literature review and summary, and support from other ongoing DAS grants.consensus layerDistributed systems and/or formal verification studiesConsenSys Trusted Distributed Systems TeamA study of key areas of the Ethereum protocol roadmap within the areas of formal verification, distributed system design, and analysis.consensus layernational dutyTobias BorlandA self-hosted infrastructure tool that assists stakers and validators with Ethereum node/client maintenance by providing an overview of the future duties of active validators.GitHub, Twitterconsensus layerImplementation of PEPC using PBS within the protocolDiego EstevezProof of Concept Implementation Protocol Implementation Proponent Commitment (PEPC) allows validators to enter into agreements with third parties along with the vanilla version of the protocol. Proposer-Builder Separation It’s about (PBS).Twitterconsensus layerminimum root VDF studyCryptographer rewards for MinRoot security research completed during the Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) event in Lyon, France.consensus layerNimbus consensus layer clientsituationOngoing development of the Nimbus consensus layer client, including maintaining the performance and stability of the production beacon chain, performing R&D on light clients, and creating public documentation.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsAnon Aadhar SDK supportIannis MezianeImprove developer experience and ensure that all developers have access to the Anon Aadhaar circuit. evidence transport data (PCD) Software Development Kit (SDK).Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsminusculesteve wangChiquito is a high-level, step-based Rust DSL (Pychiquito is a Python DSL for Chiquito) that provides better syntax and abstractions for constraint building and column placement when writing programmatic circuits. halo 2 Backend and other backends are in work.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsLambdadelta – Decentralized Event Feed ProtocolrailgunAn anonymous and private decentralized P2P permissionless multi-writer event feed. A library that implements the protocol and Proof-of-concept application A library using the library will also be developed.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsEfficientZKMLArtem Grigor & george wizA study to validate that using zero-gravity neural networks in zero-knowledge machine learning (ZKML) use cases is a promising direction to pursue.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsEPFL Cryptography Research GroupOne year of support for the EPFL cryptography research group led by Associate Professor Alessandro Chiesa It consists of two doctoral students and one postdoctoral researcher.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofshypernovaoscarProof-of-concept implementation and technical documentation of HyperNova, a novel folding/stacking approach similar to: halo 2 However, this is the case for sum-check based protocols.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsclimbAmir BolusA trust-minimized governance platform that uses off-chain, free voting, and recursive SNARKs to increase decentralization and reduce trust assumptions.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsP-256 smart contract wallet with zk-SNARKRichard LiuWe develop a smart contract wallet with P-256 signature verification and zk-SNARK on-chain verification to extend Ethereum transaction signing as a biometric authentication method.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsRust implementation of an interactive zero-knowledge protocolPADO LabWe build open-source Rust implementations of basic multi-party computation components and implement cutting-edge “Silent OT” protocols (e.g. Ferret).telegramCryptography and zero-knowledge proofsSemaphore ProtocolVivian PlacenciaOngoing development of Semaphore command line interface, Websites and Documents, boilerplateCommunity support.GitHubCryptography and zero-knowledge proofsUniRep ProtocolWork on the ongoing development of UniRep, especially smart contracts, circuits, general testing, and other public issues.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofszeta function technologyResearch on new pairing-based protocols, etc. cached shareWe apply them to build faster SNARKs for several important, widely used primitives.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsZK circuit for ZK EigenTrustcontinuous development ZK EigenTrustReputation management algorithm for P2P networks halo2 proof system.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsZKEmailSora SuegamiUsing the email authentication system Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) can be used by developers to build a variety of applications by designing the content of emails to be checked.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofszkgithungry cat studioAn end-user application that allows developers to prove that they have contributed to a GitHub repository in ZK.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofszkmemoryOrochi NetworkResearch, specification, and implementation of memory processing circuit constraint techniques for use within the ZKVM context.Cryptography and zero-knowledge proofsZKP2PAlex Song, Brian Wickman, Richard Liang& Sachin KumarA trustless P2P fiat onramp that can be built on top of any web2 payment rail without requiring permission from the payment network itself.Developer Experience and Toolsrecovery pulseAndreas Chamados, Constantine& Vijay KrishnavanshiA UX-friendly reference implementation framework for smart contract recovery incorporating the new Recovery Pulse architecture.Developer Experience and ToolsrpcvmLeonard MittmanA Golang package for fast and lightweight transaction simulation and debugging with mainnet fork functionality.execution layerFluffy Portal ClientsituationThe ongoing development of the Fluffy ultra-lightweight client for the Portal Network, which aims to allow devices with limited resources to access and contribute to the Ethereum network without having to synchronize their entire state.execution layernethermind 2023 Internship ProgramSupport Nethermind’s internship program focused on core protocol contributors.execution layerNimbus execution layer clientsituationWe continue to produce Nimbus execution layer clients through ongoing development, improving performance and stability, performing R&D on light clients, and creating public documentation.General growth and supportQuipu StrikersETH painPrograms offered staking Resources, training, and guidance available in Spanish to support Latin American communities and individuals who want to run their own nodes and validators.Dissension, emailgeneral studiesAcademic Grant RoundWe fund formal research aimed at generating more knowledge about Ethereum, blockchain technology and related domains.indirect financingETHDam 2nd funding roundSecond round of financing for projects built during ETHDamThis is a hackathon.indirect financingEthereum Honduras 2nd funding roundHosted the 2nd funding round Ethereum Honduras For public goods projects.layer 2Beacon Chinebit flyAn open source Ethereum explorer that advances the current UX standards for explorers while simplifying and making data more accessible to non-technical users.differentmevboost.picsTony WashtatterDashboard with charts and visualizations from the Relay, Builder, and Proposer environments.differentManage trusted credential issuersrectangleA general-purpose Ethereum-based open source implementation standard for trusted issuer registries.Protocol growth and supportAccount abstraction grant roundProvides grants to encourage development, research and education. Account abstraction And the infrastructure needed to support it.Protocol growth and supportEphemeri Testnetpk910 & Remi RoyAutomatically resets the testnet, enabling a single test infrastructure consisting of an ad-hoc network with deterministic parameters.Protocol growth and supportKZG Awards Grant RoundGrants are provided to support the round. Ethereum KZG Awards Ceremony.Protocol growth and supportmev-rs implementation supportJust dustSupport contributions to the OnlyDust community Mev-rs.Protocol growth and supportsummer of protocolIt is an 18-week program that aims to foster a broad and broad exploration of the rapidly evolving world of protocols.Protocol growth and supportVerkle will attempt to assist with implementation.Just dustSupport the work of OnlyDust community contributors. Verkle trial implementation for Hyperledger Besu.

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