
Lost your funds? Subaddress generated without node path (HD Wallet BIP32)

I have an app that uses HD Wallet to create 1 public address = 1 transaction.

But I forgot to enter the node path. /0 My Bitcoin Core wallet does not recognize the transferred funds while creating a subaddress.

Is there any way to get my funds back? scriptPubKey or something ?

Or are your funds lost forever?

Fund receipt address:


Address generated without node path
    getaddressinfo 1F3PZ1Qjtpmdcg3QGhK5szsPzY9nPLJeNq
      "address": "1F3PZ1Qjtpmdcg3QGhK5szsPzY9nPLJeNq",
      "scriptPubKey": "76a9149a056b1113775ba165d929461f305d493349a55b88ac",
      "ismine": false,
      "solvable": false,
      "iswatchonly": false,
      "isscript": false,
      "iswitness": false,
      "ischange": false,
      "labels": (

Address generated with node path

    getaddressinfo 1Fq1BbugkWzQyJBoFEJrbcTmsxe44Mhhfz    
      "address": "1Fq1BbugkWzQyJBoFEJrbcTmsxe44Mhhfz",
      "scriptPubKey": "76a914a2a5e135a645025d0b87f710ec7d7122fd9c8a3488ac",
      "ismine": true,
      "solvable": true,
      "desc": "pkh((3db26443/44'/0'/0'/0/12)------)#psf0gapz",
      "parent_desc": "pkh((3db26443/44'/0'/0')xpub-----/0/*)#7uthurwc",
      "iswatchonly": false,
      "isscript": false,
      "iswitness": false,
      "pubkey": "------",
      "iscompressed": true,
      "ischange": true,
      "timestamp": 1703084241,
      "hdkeypath": "m/44'/0'/0'/0/12",
      "hdseedid": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "hdmasterfingerprint": "3db26443",
      "labels": (

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