
bitcoinj – BTC Taproot Signature Transactions

bitcoinj – BTC Taproot Signature Transaction – Bitcoin Stack Exchange

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Episode 8

I’m new to taproot and trying to create a taproot transaction.
I’m using the Java library bitcoinj and it only supports sending to P2TR addresses and generates addresses using witness v1 which has some issues that I have solved.
So I’m using an additional class for Schnorr symbols.
I don’t understand how to create a tabroot signature. Message(?) and privKey are required.
How do you structure your message? Is it input serialization or sha256 or something else? \

If you want to create a transaction and use RPC (singrawtransactionwithkey) to sign it, you can broadcast it, so only one part is needed: the signature.
English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes and thank you all!

Artemiks L is a new contributor to this site. Be careful when asking for clarification, making comments, and responding. Check out our Code of Conduct.

I don’t understand how to sign either. agree

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