Litecoin MimbleWimble August update.

Litecoin MimbleWimble August update.
David Burkett’s August MimbleWimble update has just been published. This update covers the latest work done on the project over the past month and includes discussion of future plans and a testnet launch at the end of September. So, without further ado, here’s to David:
I apologize in advance for this much briefer update than usual. I’ve been busy tying up loose ends that are important and necessary but not very interesting to write about. August Progress: We were able to complete the initial state download as planned, especially the MWSTATE message verification. There are still many ways in which a malicious peer could use these new messages to DoS a node. We cannot prevent all of these attacks yet, but we will have plenty of time to focus on them once the testnet launches. I also took advantage of the opportunity to clean up some code and strengthen some of the weaker logic, especially around managing UTXO sets (collections of unspent coins). Remaining work: Everything is on track for testnet launch later this month. We’re still working out some final details, but later this month we’ll share more information about what the testnet will look like and how everyone can participate. While we’re focused on adding non-interactive transaction support, we’d like to see some basic CLI or JSON-RPC options for advanced users to experiment with. Note: For those interested, I recently talked about the future direction of Mimblewimble, which highlighted its weaknesses and what we can/are doing to fix them. Here is a recording of the lecture: 16