
bitcoind – Bitcoin Core nodes constantly stop.

I recently set up a Raspberry Pi 4 to run as a Bitcoin Core node. After launching Bitcoin Core, I noticed that it quits after a short period of time. My first thought was that the Pi would go to sleep, so I installed xscreensaver to prevent the Pi from going to sleep. The problem is not resolved. I’ve also read that memory could potentially be an issue, but the Pi has 8GB of memory, so I can’t imagine that being the issue. Here are the details about my setup:

Raspberry Pi 4 8BG External SSD 1TB Internet 500Mbps

After starting Bitcoin Core, I ran getblockchaininfo using bitcoin-cli and noticed that the number of blocks increases and then stops. Here are the steps performed for each successive restart:

359388, 438037, 443757, 444235, 444610, 444834

As you can see, in most cases, you get a few hundred blocks and then Bitcoin stops. Why is Bitcoin frozen and what can I do to keep it active?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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