NotcoinThe expected token release date is as follows: open network (TON) is just over a week away, and the team behind the popular Telegram-based game has shared some key details about how the coins players earn in-game will be converted into on-chain tokens.
Players have amassed trillions of dollars worth of in-game coins by tapping their phone screens, but the sheer volume has made trading cryptocurrency tokens a bit of a headache. The Notcoin team has previously stated that they plan to remove some of the zeros during the conversion process to make it easier to manage once minted, and now we know how that will work.
Notcoin plans to move the decimal point to the left by three places. So if you mine 1,000 in-game coins, you will get 1 Notcoin. Mined 10 million coins? If so, you will receive 10,000 on-chain tokens. And if you mined 532,487 coins, you would get 532,487 NOT.
This means the conversion rate is 1,000 in-game coins into a single NOT cryptocurrency token. This applies to everyone, so players do not earn “less” coins through this process. This is just a conversion rate chosen to bring players’ profits on-chain.
According to the team, a total of 102,719,221,714 will not be issued. Of these, approximately 80.2 billion NOT will go to players/miners, while 22.5 billion NOT, partially donated by players to the ecosystem fund, will also be used to pay out token rewards in the game after mint. Funds future developments and other initiatives.
Notcoin also said it is removing suspicious accounts it believes are automated bots that use scripts to manipulate games.
Additionally, developer Open Builders Future Gameplay Model External projects can pay for the game by purchasing NOT tokens on the open market, thus providing players with cryptocurrency rewards for interacting with the content. decryptionGG’s Details first reported I’m working my scheduled shift last week.
This is an evolution of what was already in the game, where players earned in-game coins by following the Telegram channel or Twitter account or visiting the project website.
However, in the future, these companies will pay for the right to be exposed to Notcoin’s 35 million players, and a portion of that payment will also be credited to the NOT treasury, while another portion will be burned forever, gradually reducing the overall Notcoin supply.
Notcoin is also planning new monthly “experiences” to shake up the gameplay, keep players checking back, and hand out new meme tokens along the way.
Notcoin token launch is currently scheduled. Around April 20th– Same as expected date bitcoin halving.
Pre-market gift certificate In the case of Notcoin, its price has roughly doubled over the past few weeks, with NFT vouchers for 10 million in-game coins (or 10,000 TON tokens) going from being worth around $50 in Toncoin (TON) to being worth around $90-100. has risen. thursday.
Edited by Ryan Ozawa.