
PUPS BRC-20 NFT pump generates over $8 million in sales

Bitcoin’s PUPS led all collections of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in Thursday’s sale after generating more than US$8.17 million, according to CryptoSlam data.

The BRC-20 NFT becomes the first collection of the month to record more daily sales than an “unclassified ordinal,” a group of digital assets representing Bitcoin ordinals that do not belong to a specific collection.

PUPs imprinted on the Bitcoin chain define themselves as the network’s first “memecoins.”

According to Decrypt, the collection plans to transition from BRC-20 to Runes at Bitcoin’s four-year halving, which is expected next week.

Bitcoin Runes utilizes the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) protocol. This protocol uses unspent Bitcoin pieces, similar to digital spare change, to initiate transactions to create new transactions.

Bitcoin Collections round out the top three, followed by NodeMonkes and NODE BRC-20 NFTs followed by PUPS. The value of each collection exceeded $2 million and $1 million, respectively.

Close behind was Mad Lads on the Solana platform, up 46% to US$1.04 million.

In fifth place was the Ethereum-based Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), with sales up 0.46% to US$780,478.87 and a similar increase in the number of transactions.

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