
Explosive Airdrop Path: Farm 3 airdrops at once

Welcome back, Farmer! Today we are here to learn about one of the most popular agricultural layer 2s at the moment. I’ll show you how to get 3 airdrops at once using this Blast Airdrop Route.

Yes, you heard that too. Spend ETH once and receive multiple airdrops!

Explosive airdrop route

Before we go into detail, there are tons of airdrops in the Blast ecosystem that you can farm. Today we’ll discuss one route, but you can obviously choose another that suits your style better. To get an idea of ​​the available airdrops, take a quick look at our Explosive Airdrops List Part 1 and Part 2.

Step 1 Deposit to Blast

To start this Blast Airdrop route, you’ll need to make a deposit to Blast (duh). Do it while you’re at it. Because any path you want to take in Blast still requires steps. Please use our referral code if you need access.6J7IA“.

When you deposit with Blast, you’re already earning Blast Points that will lead to your Blast Airdrop in June. As you can see, we’ve already earned 7 million points and some Blast Gold! For more information about the Blast Mainnet Airdrop, check out the airdrop list.

Please keep in mind that it may take 14 days to connect your Blast via the official bridge. However, there are bridges like Synapse that allow you to bridge out immediately for a fee of around 1.2%.

Step 2: Rent a Juice

Today I am farming with 17.5 ETH on Juice Finance. This is the second season of airdrop.

You will need wETH to farm this route. You can move from ETH to wETH using Blasterswap. BlastSwap also allows you to receive Blaster airdrops.

Now that you have wETH, you can open a borrowing position in bUSD. With 17.5 ETH we borrowed 150,000 bUSD at an annual interest rate of 12.5%. If the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) sounds high, don’t worry. Wasabi production discussed next will cover this.

Loan steps:

  • Go to Juice Finance
  • Click the ‘Borrower’ tab.
  • ETH deposit
  • Click on the tab “Loans” and enter the amount.

An important thing to note is the health factor. You must maintain the minimum required health of 125% or higher. If the price of Ethereum drops significantly, health factors become at risk. In this scenario, you will need to deposit more collateral to stay safe. As you can see, we have not borrowed the maximum amount available and our health is at 134%.

Revealing the location of these borrowers will earn you Juice points. In just a few days, we have already collected about 2 million points. You can also get Blast Gold from Juice, which is distributed weekly.

Step 3 Wasabi Storage

You now have Juice’s bUSD. We take the next step: depositing into Wasabi Vault.

You can stay on the Juice Finance site for this step. Click on the “vaults” tab to see several vault options for bUSD.

You can also get Blast points multipliers by joining Vault. As you can see in the first screenshot on this blog, we are currently making 2x our profits. double point everyday.

Wasabi Safe’s APY yield is 21.3%. This means it includes the APR you have to pay to Juice to borrow bUSD. However, there is a 1% deposit to keep in mind. So only go this Blast airdrop route if you plan on keeping it locked for several weeks.

Steps to use wasabi:

  • Click on the “vaults” tab in Juice Finance.
  • Select the Vault (Wasabi in this example) and click “Access”.
  • Deposit bUSD

Now everything is ready. We are farming 3 airdrops through the routes Blast, Juice & Wasabi. If you count how many Blasters you can replace with wETH, it could be 4!.

More explosive airdrops to choose your own path

To find more Blast Airdrops, go to the search page and select Blast under “Blockchain.” Hit the search button and you’ll find all the options you need to get started with Blast Airdrop Route.

We update regularly, so check back occasionally.

A final word on the explosive airdrop path

There is one perfect airdrop path. We believe that optimizing agricultural strategies like these is important. If this content becomes popular, we will post more airdrop routes. Of course, we’re deep in the airdrop trenches and growing a lot of our own. We can even show you how to do it properly.

If you find this useful, please share it on social media. Help us get exposure by teaching your friends how to get started with airdrop farming on Blast.

If you want to shoot me, go ahead and My personal X account, I mostly post corny jokes, NFT shenanigans, trade brags, and the occasional airdrop alpha. And of course follow me X’s AirdropAlert Never miss an airdrop opportunity again.

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