
Google’s Gemini, OpenAI’s ChatGPT go head-to-head in Cointelegraph test

On December 6, Google launched its latest artificial intelligence (AI) model, Gemini. Gemini is the most advanced model currently available on the market and is significantly superior to ChatGPT-4, a popular model developed by OpenAI.

This bold claim was treated like a challenge by community sleuths on the Internet. They quickly dug into the methods and benchmarks used by Google to assert Gemini’s superiority and mock the company’s product marketing.

David Gull, CEO of AI-based wellness startup Vital, said each model – ChatGPT-4, Llama 2 and Gemini – has its own unique strengths and challenges.

“When navigating the world of AI startups, choosing the right language model is key to product success. The introduction of Google’s Gemini AI model significantly expands our large language model (LLM) options.”

Currently, OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 model stands out for its “wide range of real-world applications” with improved safety measures, he added.

Gull said that as companies now “enter” Gemini, a good goal would be to “strike a balance between performance and customization” that aligns with the company’s mission and values ​​and provides the best user experience.

Cointelegraph decided to test these two models by asking Gemini (via Bard) and ChatGPT-4 the same questions and comparing their answers. In both cases, a free, publicly available version was used to generate the results.

Question #1: What is cryptocurrency?

The first question we asked both systems was simply: “What is cryptocurrency?”

Both provided basic definitions similar to the answers, describing cryptocurrencies as digital currencies that often operate in a decentralized nature and are distributed via blockchain. Additionally, both listed the key features of cryptocurrencies and gave some examples, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Cardano (ADA).

However, the difference was in the additional information provided later. Gemini/Bard also provided advice on cryptocurrency investing and links to sources.

On the other hand, ChatGPT ended with a small history of Satoshi Nakamoto creating Bitcoin and the subsequent emergence of altcoins.

Question #2: Is Bitcoin a good investment?

We also asked both models for some investment advice and chose the industry-proven Bitcoin (BTC) as our cryptocurrency of choice. We asked, “Is Bitcoin a good investment?”

Gemini/Bard simply noted that the question was “complex,” while ChatGPT responded with a disclaimer that it “does not have the ability to provide real-time financial advice.”

Google’s Gemini/Bard is answering your Bitcoin investment questions. Source: Cointelegraph
OpenAI’s ChatGPT answers your Bitcoin investment questions. Source: Cointelegraph

Both systems provided specific answers to questions, and ChatGPT provided clearer factors to consider during the investment process. Both concluded with a recommendation to seek out a professional financial advisor for more “personalized advice.”

Related: ChatGPT topped Wikipedia’s list of most viewed articles of 2023.

Question #3: Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

As a final question, we asked both AI models one of the most mysterious riddles in the cryptocurrency industry: “Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?”

In this case, both models provided detailed answers spanning four to six full blocks of text. Gemini/Bard and ChatGPT began their responses with an excerpt stating that Satoshi was a “pseudonymous individual or group that created Bitcoin.”

ChatGPT was more vague in its explanation of the mystery surrounding Satoshi’s identity, saying there have been many conspiracy theories and claims about his identity. However, no specific details were mentioned.

Gemini/Bard, on the other hand, provided three detailed examples of individuals who attempted to claim Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity.

Here’s Gemini/Bard from Google, which provides an example of Satoshi Nakamoto’s argument. Source: Cointelegraph

Both models highlighted the “mystery” of Satoshi’s story, with ChatGPT declaring it “one of the most important unsolved mysteries in the cryptocurrency world.”

magazine: Real-life AI use cases in cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency-based AI market and AI financial analysis