
Status: Open source developer arrested for writing code

Considering the indictment of Keonne Rodriguez and William Lonergan Hill for operating the Samourai Wallet, we believe it is important for Bitcoin users to assess the current situation. Too much of today’s discourse around Bitcoin promotes information-capturing infrastructure rails as a scaling solution while also seeking consent to censor transactions and centralize finance within private-sector institutions that profited from the manufactured economic crises of the 20th century. A simple lip flutter from state-sponsored hypnotists who manufacture. 21castle century. Toxic maximalism in 2024 means rooting for US dollar stablecoin issuers despite the recent addition of the Secret Service and FBI. It’s as if we’re celebrating the arrest of TornadoCash operators simply for being “shitcoiners.” That can’t happen here, no, in Satoshi’s protocol. Hypnotists preached that “Bitcoin is decentralized” and the state regulation issues raised by a few maximalists were ignored all at once, while false prophets preached about the dollar’s ​​hypocritical and imminent hyperinflation and promoted dollarcoin as a human rights tool. This was ignored. .

But this is not another commentary on my disdain for stablecoins. This is a wake-up call. This is a wake-up call for all of you in Bitcoin to rub the sand from your eyes at an all-time high and take a look around. How did you get here? How have we spent the past year debating what constitutes spam and the ethical uses of Bitcoin while completely ignoring the encroaching regulatory moat? There were enough signs. There was enough warning. Congress is drafting bills for additional internet regulation, stablecoin legislation, and bans on social media applications, and states continue to redefine what a cryptocurrency is in real time.

Bitcoin is a database. Bitcoin is speech. Bitcoin is code. Bitcoin is not money, and it is certainly not money under the jurisdiction of the United States. Compliance-driven hypnotists will tell you that you need permission from your local government office to accept Bitcoin. So we can pay our taxes and pay our legal debts with Bitcoin. Samourai Wallet did not operate a money laundering service and certainly did not operate a money transfer business. They wrote the code. A code used by users around the world, within numerous legal jurisdictions, to exchange certain alphanumeric string data over the Internet. The Bitcoin protocol does not allow the transfer of criminal proceeds between parties due to UTXO destruction, which is a function of every spend. Despite the clever claims of both corrupt Ordinalstans and DOJ regulators, Satoshis do not exist. They are completely and utterly consumed during each transaction, and are reborn with absolutely no resemblance to where the entity implementing the blockchain heuristics claims they came from.

The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York alleges that Samourai executed “more than $2 billion in illicit transactions” and facilitated “more than $100 million in money laundering transactions.” This accusation contains a complete misunderstanding (not to mention a simply unconstitutional reorganization) of what Bitcoin transactions are and how elected officials should handle them. Writing code is not a crime. Even if the code is written with the express purpose of being able to commit a crime, the criminal act occurs when that intent is realized, not when the code begins to be written or distributed. Code is a language. Code distribution is a representation between byte parties, reduced to bits, 1s and 0s. Any precedent that establishes anything other than this is a direct violation of the First Amendment and, by extension, the clear natural law of free speech.

There are many ways the Bitcoin network can spread across the world and how Bitcoin assets can monetize to astronomical heights without providing more freedom to the global population. Bitcoin’s definition has been gaslighted by hypnotists as being within the confines of a regulatory moat, so Bitcoin is in desperate need of a redefinition. Bitcoin has never been about dollar-denominated value and perpetuating UST markets through Treasury-backed tokens captured on and off ramps. Bitcoin is in no way about expanding the reach and influence of psychopathic criminals obsessed with embracing nations and changing the definitions of words, expressions, codes and numbers. We sat and watched the bookkeepers change the meaning of words with red felt-tip pens, slowly boiling over frogs and dictionaries, taking refuge under the false pretense of immutable ledgers. In other words, it was a misunderstanding of the legal and rhetorical structure of the ledger. It itself was being rebuilt from the ground up.

Bitcoin is a tool of empowerment, Bitcoin is a tool of the enemy. Well, now our enemy, the state, has gained power and their regulatory forces are howling like wolves at the door. We must be smart about the coming attacks on those who dare create tools that threaten the spelling of our nation and arm ourselves with the necessary rhetoric.

Writing code is not a crime.

Whispering your phone number to a loved one cannot be redefined as a criminal offense.

Bitcoin is not money, it is just a ledger.


Free samurai.

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