
bitcoin core – How to claim funds from moneypool psbt to multisig address?

I mainly followed this guide on how to create a psbt where multiple users pool money together. Everything is done in regtest. Here’s the gist of what I did:

  1. I created two different descriptor wallets (same machine but different seeds) and created and used some funds in each wallet. createmultisig It uses the public keys of two wallets. createmultisig 2 (pubkey1, pubkey2) address_type=bech_32
  2. I created psbt using: createpsbt(inputs, outputs)
  3. ran walletprocesspsbt Each wallet with appropriate hexagonal string
  4. ran finalizepsbt and sendrawtransaction using the appropriate hexadecimal string
  5. I created a new empty wallet like this createwallet wallet_name="wallet_multisig" disable_private_keys=true blank=true
  6. ran importdescriptors It’s in the descriptor created with the createmultisig command above. success
  7. You can view the balance of wallet_multisig. listunspent, but I can’t send the balance because I don’t have the key. So after importing your multisig address to a new wallet, you don’t know what to do or if you used the wrong command to make your balance available.

After finalizing the psbt and importing the descriptor as previously described ( createmultisig command) into an empty descriptor wallet, you can view its balance using: listunspentBut I can’t write.

Looking at other chapters of our guide on spending funds sent to multi-signature addresses, the theoretical next step is to create a transaction and then sign it in each wallet using: signrawtransactionwithkey Issue commands with your private key. Considering I’m using a descriptor wallet (not legacy), this is not an option. Since you don’t have any keys in your wallet, you can’t even generate an address.

Am I doing something wrong in the previous steps? If not, what steps do I need to take moving forward to be able to claim the coins in my multisig address?

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