
Helping businesses across regulated industries take advantage of hybrid cloud and AI

At IBM Cloud, we’re committed to helping companies across industries drive innovation by leveraging hybrid cloud and AI technologies. To begin truly transforming, we believe it’s important to understand the unique challenges your organization faces, including maintaining data security, addressing data sovereignty requirements, and accelerating time to market to satisfy consumers. Even for those working in the most heavily regulated industries, we see these challenges continue to grow as they navigate changing regulations.

We designed our enterprise cloud platform for the most regulated industries, with the unique needs of highly regulated sectors such as financial services, government, healthcare, and telecommunications in mind. We first worked with key partners, including BNP Paribas and CaixaBank, to introduce industry-specific enterprise clouds to help customers address a variety of risks, navigate regulations, demonstrate compliance, and accelerate cloud adoption.

Today, our enterprise-grade platform is optimized to help customers manage mission-critical workloads while addressing resiliency, performance, security, compliance, and total cost of ownership. We strive to meet the needs of our customers who want to be agile, grow quickly, pay for what you use, and maintain their trust. The security of customer data is at the core of everything we do.

Telco leverages hybrid cloud to deliver enhanced customer interactions.

Masorange is a mobile network operator that puts customer experience at the center of everything it does. To provide additional support to today’s digital-first consumer, Masorange leverages a combination of digital assistants and human interaction to quickly assist customers. Powered by AI and cloud technologies, Orange and Jazztel virtual assistants use IBM watsonx Assistant and IBM Watson Discovery running on IBM Cloud.

Our support service conducts approximately one million conversations each month, ensuring fast service for customers who prefer to use digital channels. With “excellence in service” at the forefront of its mission, Masorange leverages the flexibility, scalability, and security of IBM Cloud to meet the needs of its customers and deliver seamless, nearly on-demand interactions.

“We couldn’t do this without services like the ones IBM Cloud provides – running and managing our data with security and consistency.” – Tomas Alberola, Virtual Agent Manager at Masorange.

Digitalizing clinical processes and improving patient experience in healthcare

University Medical Center Mainz, which provides care to more than 350,000 patients annually, is leveraging distributed cloud capabilities from IBM to digitize clinical processes. Through an intentional hybrid design approach aimed at streamlining management processes, the medical center worked with IBM to deploy multiple solutions. These solutions include those designed to facilitate the secure exchange of medical data.

Through IBM Consulting, leveraging IBM’s hybrid cloud capabilities and deep industry expertise, the medical center developed a messenger system designed to enable physicians, nursing staff, and administration to communicate in a secure and effective manner via computer or mobile device. We’re also using IBM technology, including IBM Watson Assistant, for virtual agent capabilities that help deliver a better patient experience through conversational artificial intelligence.

As University Medical Center Mainz further strengthens its mission to help patients on their healthcare journey, keeping patient data safe and private is a top priority. IBM’s hybrid cloud approach is designed to:

  • Helping medical centers access cloud services securely and efficiently.
  • Help us demonstrate compliance with data protection requirements.
  • Enable data sovereignty.

Deliver faster experiences and help keep data safe within the public sector

While many people may not immediately associate the public sector with customer experience, government agencies aim to provide services to citizens who can be considered customers. Citizens may interact with government agencies in a variety of ways, from renewing a driver’s license to filing taxes, but there is one constant throughout these processes: In other words, citizens want a fast and seamless experience. This experience is invaluable in enabling them to achieve what they need quickly.

A scalable cloud infrastructure for public sector organizations can accelerate delivery, enabling them to build and launch new services to their citizens. The flexibility of the cloud allows these agencies to run tests to see which services are working, which allows them to get feedback from citizens and then incorporate that feedback into the work they are doing. In highly regulated industries such as the public sector, it is also important to keep citizens’ sensitive data safe.

By leveraging innovative security features such as confidential computing and maintaining their own key encryption, public sector organizations can work to protect this information. From helping federal agencies deliver services to citizens in an efficient manner to helping government departments facilitate secure data transfers, an industry-specific cloud platform with security and built-in controls can help.

As organizations in highly regulated industries strive to innovate while navigating security and compliance requirements, hybrid cloud and AI can help achieve this balance.

Explore IBM’s enterprise cloud platform for regulated industries

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