
Bitcoin Core RPC cURL – Fetch description failed on loaded wallet

To load the wallet we are executing the following request:

curl --location 'user:(email protected):8332/wallet/test_multisig"' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "params": ("test_multisig"),
    "id": "test_multisig_wallet_load"

Coming back…

"result":null,"error":"code":-35,"message":"Wallet \"test_multisig\" is already loaded.","id":"test_multisig_wallet_load"

However, when I run this exact request, I get an error as if the wallet is not loaded.

curl --location 'user:(email protected):8332/wallet/test_multisig"' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "active": false,
        "range": 20,
        "next_index": 0,
        "timestamp": "now", 
        "internal": false,
        "label": "test_multisig_wallet"

"result":null,"error":"code":-18,"message":"Requested wallet does not exist or is not loaded","id":null

How do I get the descriptor into my wallet so that my wallet has a set of addresses?

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