

Use/Import Wallet

If you load your wallet file on the latest Bitcoin Core version, you can use: dumpwallet command (create unencrypted key dump) and importwallet Run the command on a new instance using a new, empty wallet.dat from the dump. However, this may take some time as you will have to rescan it later.

Clear the dump file later.

Use DB dump/load

One way is to use the following command on a Linux installation with db4.8-util installed: db4.8_dump wallet.dat | db4.8_load

This creates a new file that contains the same records as the wallet.dat file, but without any old data that may not be overwritten.

db4.8-util can be difficult to install since most distributions these days have stopped distributing db4.8 in favor of 5.1 and above. However, Bitcoin Core still uses 4.8 for compatibility reasons. db5.1-util is also available, but this means that you will need a later version of Bitcoin Core compiled with db5.1 support to use the newly configured wallet file.

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