
Should we still have Amazon Prime in 2024?

Many of us have no problem walking into a store, doing some shopping, swiping our credit card, and going on our merry way. But for those of us who don’t want to leave the house and prefer to navigate crowded aisles, Amazon Prime can be a lifesaver.

Amazon Prime membership costs $139 if you pay the full annual fee. In return, you’ll receive free two-day shipping on most orders, as well as other perks like the option to try on clothing and shoes before buying and access streaming content.

You may currently be paying $139 for a Prime membership. But should I maintain that membership in 2024? To find out, ask yourself these questions:

1. How often have you used your Prime membership this year?

Every time you order from Amazon Prime, you save yourself the hassle of going to the store and the gas costs of going to the store. However, if you don’t seem to be using your membership very often, it may not be worth paying to keep it.

Take a look at your Amazon orders over the past year and figure out not only how much you ordered, but also how much you ordered. ~ no Qualified for free shipping. Amazon orders typically ship for free starting at $25, but in some cases there is a minimum $35 requirement.

So let’s say you’ve placed 22 different Prime orders so far in 2023. That is, about twice a month. If your order total is high enough to get free shipping anyway, you probably won’t need a Prime membership in the new year.

2. Will things change in 2024?

Maybe you won’t be using your Prime membership that much in 2024. But if you’re expecting big life changes in the new year, it may make sense to maintain a membership.

One example? Let’s say you have a baby on your way. When caring for a newborn, you may barely have time to shower and sleep, let alone drive to Target to stock up on supplies. So in that situation, it may be worth keeping your Prime membership, even if you don’t use it as much as expected in 2023.

3. Are there other similar services that might be better suited for me?

Amazon Prime offers a variety of benefits. But before you commit for another year, see if there’s a similar service that might work just as well or better for a lower price.

For example, Walmart+ costs $98 per year, which is significantly cheaper than Prime. That membership includes free shipping on all orders with no minimum order, and free grocery delivery from local stores with a $35 minimum order (considering the cost of food, that’s a tough standard to meet these days). It’s not difficult). Additionally, a Walmart+ membership allows you to save on gas at select gas stations and access streaming content from Paramount+.

For many people, maintaining an Amazon Prime membership is an easy decision. But if you’re struggling to maintain your wealth or are looking to take steps to cut costs and improve your personal finances in the new year, review the following questions to find out what to do.

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