
SingularityNET (AGIX) Decentralized AI Platform: Bi-Weekly Development Report

SingularityNET (AGIX) Decentralized AI Platform: Bi-Weekly Development Report


According to SingularityNET, the decentralized AI platform’s latest bi-weekly technical development update highlights significant progress made across its core components for May 2024 (weeks 18-21). There have been notable developments during this period, bringing the platform closer to becoming a full-fledged modernized decentralized AI platform.

This update includes a new Daemon release, Publisher Portal updates, Marketplace improvements, and JavaScript Software Development Kit (SDK) improvements.

JavaScript SDK

  • JavaScript SDK web module release;
  • Package Updates: All package dependencies have been updated to the latest versions to take advantage of new features, performance improvements, and security patches.
  • Handling large numbers: An issue with handling large numbers in the SDK has been resolved.
  • Logging improvements: A BrowserConsole transport has been created for logging.
  • Wallet Support: Added support for multiple wallets. metamask.

Publisher Portal

  • Automatic UI updates: Added automatic updates of UI component state for services so users don’t have to manually reload the page.
  • Updated readme file: We’ve updated the ‘readme’ file to make it easier for developers to work on the project.


front end

  • We are currently launching an updated Publisher Portal, resolving security vulnerabilities, and completing library and dependency updates necessary to maintain the current state of the project.


  • The way proto files are compiled has changed.
  • Updated utility services.


  • New release v5.1.3;
  • I completely removed Nodejs as a dependency.
  • Information about smart contracts in the SingularityNET ecosystem is now available at: snet-ecosystem-contract;
  • Heartbeat now returns more parameters (Training enabled, TrainingInProto, Blockchain activation, Blockchain Network);
  • reset‘ command now produces simpler configurations with only default parameters.
  • ‘ has been newly added.reset all‘ Command to create a complete configuration;
  • Abigen is no longer needed to work with Daemon.
  • All references to Kovan and Ropsten (deprecated test networks) have been removed.
  • Fixed some issues with gRPC codecs and parameter names in HTTP services.
  • Updated library.

Text User Interface (TUI)

  • Final test, problem solving.

Introduction to SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized AI platform and marketplace. A.I (AI) Services. Their mission is to create artificial general intelligence (AGI) that is decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial. This includes democratizing access to AI and AGI technologies through:

  • their platformAnyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • Open Cog Hyperonthe leading neural symbolic AGI framework, will become a key service for the next generation of AI innovation.
  • their ecosystemWe are revolutionizing industries by developing advanced AI solutions across a variety of markets.

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Image source: Shutterstock

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