
BitDegree’s Completely Hands-on Web3 Exam

Key Takeaways

  • BitDegree has recently doubled down on its “learning by doing” approach with the launch of Web3 trials.
  • The Web3 exam and its accompanying tasks include quizzes, social and blockchain activities, and tracker-based tasks.
  • Exams allow students to learn Web3 with a “hands-on” approach.

BitDegree was recently launched. Web3 Exam and Web3 Mission.

The launch generated a lot of buzz, some of which centered around the exam’s core methodology. Unlike traditional knowledge assessments, BitDegree Web3 exams include gamification elements and use a “learning by doing” approach.

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BitDegree has built a reputation for its modern approach to digital skills training and development. The company Working at Vilnius University and University of Tartu We study how students learn digital skills and what tools are most effective in motivating the learning process.

This research, combined with expert insights, has shown that alternative approaches to education need to be taken when it comes to Web3 learning. In particular, students learn best when they: Put theoretical information into practice, when they have fun, And when there is some kind of incentive involved..

According to Danielius Stasiulis, one of BitDegree’s co-founders, the Web3 exam was developed with all the following aspects in mind:

We know that people learn Web3 differently than they learn math or history. At the same time, the learning process is also different from subjects such as programming or web development. Learning Web3 requires a lot of unconventional tools like memes and community interaction. It also primarily includes gamified fun elements and motivation to learn. And the Web3 exam includes all of this and much more, along with the Web3 mission.

As Stasiulis noted, the exam includes gamification and incentive elements. Students can utilize the content (With the first two stages of testing) Find answers to different types of quiz questions. The Web3 exam includes: Blockchain and social action, Working with BitDegree based cryptocurrency tracker.

When it comes to exams, students are incentivized with a prize worth $500,000 to be distributed in January 2024 through the Lucky Draw event. To participate in the event, learners must: Complete at least one level of the exam., And get beats. A larger amount of bits is converted into more degrees, which in turn gives you a better chance of winning. This creates an incentive to participate in all of the different levels and missions of the Web3 exam.

Additionally, students who earn at least 10 points on one of the three levels of the exam will have the opportunity to receive:Mint) NFT completion certificate It will show their skill level.

Web3 exam, mission, NFT certificate is completely free.

With a master’s degree in Economics, Politics, and Culture in East Asia, Aaron wrote a scientific thesis comparing the differences between Western capitalism in the United States and forms of collective capitalism in Japan from 1945 to 2020.
With nearly 10 years of experience in the fintech industry, Aaron understands all of the biggest issues and challenges cryptocurrency enthusiasts face. He is a passionate analyst who delivers data-driven and fact-based content as well as speaking to both Web3 natives and industry newcomers.
Aaron is our go-to guy for all things digital currency. With a huge passion for blockchain and Web3 education, Aaron is working to transform the space as we know it and make it more accessible to complete beginners.
Aaron has been quoted in several popular media outlets and is a published author himself. In his spare time, he enjoys researching market trends and looking for the next supernova.

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