
What is the Solidity compiler? – 101 blockchains

Ethereum is the largest playground for developing smart contracts in the existing blockchain environment. Developers trust Ethereum because it is the first blockchain to introduce the benefits of smart contract programmability. The ideal programming language for creating smart contracts on Ethereum is Solidity. It provides a variety of features to help with the development and implementation of smart contracts. However, you will need to install the Solidity compiler to deploy smart contracts according to your desired use case.

Ethereum developers must use a compiler to allow the Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EVM, to interpret and execute instructions in their code. This means that the Solidity compiler easily converts your code into a byte instruction set. Let’s learn more about the Solidity compiler, how to install it, and important Solidity compiler tools.

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Basic understanding of Solidity compiler

Solidity is a widely used programming language for creating smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Their popularity has grown significantly as the demand for web3, dApps, and smart contracts has grown exponentially. Therefore, it is important to know all the essential tools required to create smart contracts using Solidity.

The answer to the question ‘What is a Solidity compiler’ mainly focuses on its nature as an open source compiler that helps in converting the code of the Solidity programming language into bytecode. It acts as a bridge for communication between developers and the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The Solidity compiler ensures that smart contract code follows important rules and requirements specific to the Ethereum blockchain.

You can come across two types of Solidity compilers: solc and solc.js. The original version of the Solidity compiler was written in the Go programming language. Meanwhile, Solidity Compiler Basics for Beginners also highlights how solc.js leverages Emscripten to compile C++ code into JavaScript. The Node.js library along with the Solcjs command line tool help you assemble Solidity files. It also uses JavaScript for compilation, which has the advantage of flexible installation.

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How does the Solidity compiler work?

The operation of a smart contract is a complex process from a technical point of view. They can be viewed as automated contracts that are executed when certain conditions are met. Smart contracts, on the other hand, rely on code to make everything possible. Developers write code in a language they understand.

However, machines must understand smart contract code to execute them successfully. Compiling smart contract code into bytecode is an important requirement to help the EVM understand the code. Bytecode primarily contains binary computer instructions and is deployed directly on the Ethereum blockchain.

The process of compiling Solidity code also generates an Application Binary Interface (ABI). It serves as an interface between program modules, such as user programs and the operating system. Bytecode distributed on the Ethereum blockchain is stored at a specific address that is publicly available and allows anyone to interact with the smart contract.

An address represents an instance of a deployed contract and also provides persistent storage for maintaining the smart contract’s internal state. ETH, the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum, provides a store of value and a trusted payment method to facilitate the execution of smart contracts on the blockchain.

What are the special features of Solidity Compiler?

The Solidity compiler is an essential part of the process of developing and implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Before we look at the practical aspects of using the Solidity compiler, we need to know about its special highlights. Important details to learn to effectively understand the Solidity compiler include Solidity compiler versions, plugins, settings, and APIs.

The Solidity compiler also offers the flexibility to extend its functionality with the help of plugins. Developers can use plugins to introduce new language features or perform custom optimizations. Interestingly, the flexibility for seamless interfacing with the Solidity compiler allows plugins to be written in any programming language, such as Python and Rust.

Another important detail about the Solidity compiler brings to your attention its settings. The answer to “What is a Solidity compiler?” also draws attention to the flexibility of configuring controls for Solidity code compilation. Important Solidity compiler settings include gas limit, target EVM version, and optimization level.

You can specify which EVM version the bytecode is compatible with. Gas limits allow you to specify the amount of gas required to run bytecode on Ethereum. On the other hand, the optimization level indicates how aggressively the Solidity compiler improves the bytecode.

Due to the uniqueness of Solidity compiler versions, every version comes with its own unique features and limitations. For example, in some Solidity compiler versions you can find compatibility for new features such as ABIEncoderV2. Developers must select the correct Solidity compiler version based on the requirements of their smart contract.

With the help of API you can also find better prospects for using Solidity compiler. Developers can use the API to programmatically compile Solidity code from other applications. APIs can help you create tools such as integrated development environments and code analyzers that enhance your Solidity development workflow through automation.

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How to install the Solidity compiler?

The capabilities and extensive capabilities of the Solidity compiler demonstrate how it is essential for smart contract development. Before you start developing smart contracts, you need to learn how to install the Solidity compiler. One of the easiest and recommended ways to install the Solidity compiler is through Remix. Remix is ​​available online, although there are certain limitations, such as limited compilation options and support for small contracts.

Interacting with smart contracts on a larger scale requires going in a different direction. Alternative ways to install the Solidity compiler include using Docker, macOS packages, Linux, static binaries, or npm/Node.js. Below is an overview of the various methods that can help you install the Solidity compiler.

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How can I install the Solidity compiler with Docker?

Most guides to the Solidity compiler have discussed the need to choose Docker as a reliable tool for installing the Solidity compiler. The process is simple. Just download a Docker image that will do all the heavy lifting for you. The Docker image runs the compiler executable, allowing it to accept compiler arguments. You can get the Docker image for the Solidity compiler using the following command:

docker pool ethereum/solc

You can check the image using the following command:

docker run ethereum/solc:stable –version

Developers can leverage Docker images to compile Solidity smart contract code on a host system. This process involves mounting local folders for input and output, along with specifying the details of the contract that needs to be compiled.

docker run -v /local/path:/sources ethereum/solc:stable -o /sources/output --abi --bin /sources/Contract.sol

How can I install the Solidity compiler along with the binary package?

You must use the Linux and MacOS operating systems to install the Solidity compiler with the binary package.

For MacOS, you can use Homebrew to install Solidity. The installation process provides access to macOS packages generated from source and walks you through simple instructions. You can install Solidity on your macOS device using the following command:

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The following commands may help you confirm a successful installation of Solidity and check your compiler version:

solcjs --version

For Linux, you can find a simpler procedure to install the package that sets up the Solidity compiler. It helps you set up different Solidity compiler versions according to your requirements in just a few steps. The process begins with adding the following repositories:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install solc

Now you need to install solc to update the package list and complete the process. You can also try a nightly build by changing the repository entry to “ethereum/ethereum-dev”.

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How can I install the Solidity compiler using npm/Node.js?

NPM or Node Package Manager is one of the common tools used to install Solidity compilers. Anyone who wants to know ‘what a Solidity compiler is’ can get their first hands-on experience with the Solidity compiler via npm. A simple command line tool that helps you install the Solidity compiler through simple steps. The following command will help you install the Solidity compiler system-wide.

npm install -g solc

You can then verify your installation by checking the version of the Solidity compiler using the following command:

solcjs --version

However, it is important to remember that installing Solidity using npm/Node.js has some limitations. For example, the compiler does not have all the features of the standard Solidity compiler. It can only provide a reliable starting point for beginners.

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What does your editing process look like?

The different ways to install the Solidity compiler should give you confidence in starting to compile Solidity code. To understand the process of compiling Solidity code, you can use the following code as an example.

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Greeter 

 string greeting;

 constructor(string memory _greeting) 

   greeting = _greeting;


 function greet() public view returns (string memory) 

   return greeting;


 function setGreeting(string memory _greeting) public 

   greeting = _greeting;


You can compile the contract using just the following line of code:

solc Greeter.sol

You also get the most flexibility in choosing a specific EVM version to compile against. The following code specifies the EVM version for compiling Solidity code.

solc --evm-version (EVM-VERSION) contract.sol

What should I know about Solidity decompilers?

The basic details of the Solidity Compiler Guide explained for beginners also bring the Solidity decompiler into the limelight. This is a tool that compiles smart contract EVM code into input form and then decompiles it to generate Solidity source code. The main purpose of the decompiler is to verify and gain a deeper understanding of smart contract behavior.

Developers can use the decompiler to debug smart contracts in scenarios where the original code cannot be found. However, it is also important to remember that most Solidity decompilers are only moderately successful at decompiling complex contracts. Popular examples of Solidity decompilers include Etherscan Online Decompiler,, and JEB Decompiler.

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final words

Reviewing Solidity compiler fundamentals reveals important insights into its importance in the smart contract development process. Additionally, the flexibility of installing the Solidity compiler through Remix or npm/Node.js makes it easier to learn how to use the Solidity compiler.

A variety of features, including targeting, plugins, and APIs, help developers be more productive. For example, plugins and APIs can provide additional functionality and help achieve new benchmarks in interoperability. Explore the best academic resources to learn best practices for Solidity development and using the Solidity compiler today.

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