
The Devcon Scholars program returns to Devcon SEA!

We are excited to announce the return of the Devcon Scholars program. Devcon Southeast Asia! Bringing together builders from diverse geographies and disciplines, the Devcon Scholars program offers more than just a scholarship to attend Devcon. It aims to build a community focused on co-learning and co-creation, connect Ethereum to the rest of the world, and push the boundaries of Ethereum. . This year we will welcome up to 100 scholars across four categories: (1) Ethereum Community Organizers, (2) Law Students and Legal Professionals, (3) Artists and Science Fiction Writers, and (4) Other Builders.

You can apply nowuntil Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST.

What to Expect as a Scholar

The Scholars Program begins in August and concludes after Devcon in late November.

Here’s what selected scholarship recipients can expect:

  • economic support: Depending on individual needs, scholars will be provided with financial assistance for accommodation, flights, visa applications, per diem and/or Devcon tickets. Note: Level of financial need does not affect the selection process. People who do not need financial assistance are also eligible.
  • Community and Programming before Devcon: Beyond financial support, the Devcon Scholars program emphasizes building lasting relationships, mentorship, and a space to advance existing skills and knowledge. There will be online sessions for scholars to meet each other, learn together, and prepare for their experience at Devcon.
  • devcon: We had an amazing Devcon week in Bangkok, Thailand.
  • After Devcon: After Devcon, each scholarship student submits a Learning Artifact. This is a free-form creative work that expresses your learning and experiences in the medium of your choice.

Qualification Requirements

To participate in the Devcon Scholars program, applicants must:

  • First time Devcon attendee
  • You are available and willing to commit approximately 3 hours per week for 3 months to attend online sessions, complete assignments, etc.

We are seeking applicants in the four categories listed in the table below. Applicants can apply to multiple categories and we strongly encourage applicants from Southeast Asia and underrepresented communities within the Ethereum ecosystem to apply.

categoryexplanationWho Should Apply?
Ethereum Community OrganizerThis category will bring together a diverse group of Ethereum contributors who advance the Ethereum ecosystem through active community participation. This cohort is dedicated to recognizing and supporting existing and emerging Ethereum community leaders and community organizers who actively engage with local communities in blockchain-related areas. The program includes a series of online meetups and brainstorming sessions that provide opportunities for scholars to learn more about the Ethereum community and values, as well as meet and interact with other community organizers from around the world.(1) Ethereum community leader furthermore

(2) Community leader in blockchain-related areas (e.g. open source software, cryptography, economic and data communities, and broader developer communities)
Law students and legal professionalsThis category is designed to develop the next generation of legally competent, technically minded professionals who are committed to the values ​​of the Ethereum ecosystem and understand the importance of open source work for the improvement of the Ethereum public commons. The program offers community engagement, technical training, expert legal sessions, and mentorship from the Ethereum Foundation legal team. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the ecosystem, technology, and laws surrounding Ethereum and will be empowered to contribute meaningfully to the Infinite Garden.(1) Law students: I am currently attending law school. Demonstrates interest in Ethereum technology and its legal implications. Participating in relevant extracurricular activities (e.g. blockchain clubs, legal blog posts and articles) is a plus.

(2) Legal experts with early to mid-career experience: Up to 10 years of professional legal experience; Demonstrated track record in legal research, advocacy, or practice related to technology or financial regulation Demonstrated interest in Ethereum as demonstrated through previous work, publications, or participation in blockchain-related legal initiatives.

A group of artists and science fiction writersThis collective brings together a diverse group of artists and writers to express the essence of Ethereum’s culture, values, and infinite garden through their art. The program includes a series of lectures, practicums and critiques that allow you to expand your vision of the Infinite Garden while collaborating with other artists and writers. The program concludes with an exhibition at Devcon.(1) All media tracks: This track includes artists from all mediums, including but not limited to music, dance, visual arts, theater, poetry, and more.

(2) Science fiction writers track: This track focuses on science fiction writing and envisions the future of infinite gardens and use cases for this technology.

guitar builderThis category requires developers and other builders from a variety of geographies and sectors who want to push the boundaries of Ethereum. No Ethereum knowledge is required.Anyone can apply.

Detailed information about each category can be found in the application form.

Apply to the Devcon Scholars Program today!

We encourage you to apply to the Devcon SEA Scholars program and share this opportunity with someone you know who might be the best fit. The application deadline is Sunday, July 7th at 11:59 PM PST. Selected applicants will be notified in July.

The application link is here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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