
G2 Summer 2024 Report: 101 Blockchains Earn a Record 34 Badges

G2 has released its Summer 2024 Reports, with awards for the best software solution providers in a variety of categories. 101 Blockchains earned 34 badges in the G2 Summer 2024 Reports, including the ‘Users Love Us’ badge. We have built a reputation as a pioneer in professional blockchain education and research with our extensive library of courses and certification programs. Most recently, we have introduced new courses on web3 concepts, fintech, and artificial intelligence.

101 Blockchains has proven its worth in two other categories: ‘Online Course Provider’ and ‘Technical Skills Development’. Its performance in each category reinforces its identity as a trusted destination for professional blockchain education and skills development. 101 Blockchains has also been recognized with a special ‘Users love us‘ Badge. Here’s a quick look at what we’ve accomplished in G2’s latest Summer 2024 report.

Check it out now: 101 Blockchains Review by G2

Unpacking the most important highlights from the G2 Summer 2024 report

We are the most popular and trusted platform for blockchain education. The 101 Blockchains education library contains comprehensive professional courses and certification programs on blockchain technology. We have also introduced courses and accredited certification programs on web3 technology to help learners expand their knowledge and professional credentials.

The latest G2 report has helped us recognize our achievements in blockchain and web3 education. Our team has also created new courses, certification programs, and masterclasses on promising topics such as fintech, AI, and IoT. Learners can enhance their learning experience by utilizing a variety of promising resources including webinars, presentations, and flashcards. G2’s summer report reflects our commitment to helping you on your professional development journey.

We have earned G2 badges in two different categories: ‘Online Course Provider’ and ‘Technical Skills Development’. One of the notable badges for us in both categories is ‘Momentum Leader‘ Badges. 101 Blockchains earned 13 badges in the ‘Online Course Provider’ category and 20 badges as a performer in the ‘Technical Skills Development’ category. But the most important badge they earned once again at G2 was the special ‘Users Love Us’ badge.

The G2 Report badge proves that users trust and love our courses and certifications. We are proud to be a trusted learning platform that truly helps learners reach new professional milestones. Our unique ‘Users Love Us’ badge shows that learners have given us honest feedback about the benefits they have received from our courses. The G2 Summer 2024 report also acknowledges our expansion into new markets around the world and our ability to give learners exactly what they want.

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The Meaning and Importance of Performance in the G2 Summer 2024 Report

The G2 Summer 2024 report brought good news to 101 Blockchains in many ways. For example, we have won the love of our users for another consecutive season. Another interesting highlight for us in the G2 Summer 2024 report is the ‘Most Likely to Recommend’ credential. We are happy to be the platform that users would recommend to their friends or colleagues for professional development.

The ‘High Performer’ badge is the most notable highlight of our achievements in two categories. We have won 12 ‘High Performer’ badges in the ‘Online Course Provider’ category and 16 ‘High Performer’ badges in the ‘Technical Skills Development’ category. Despite our limited market presence, we have ensured user satisfaction with the quality of our training resources. 101 Blockchains has also secured the ‘Best Relationship’ badge in the latest report published by G2.

G2’s Summer 2024 report helped us recognize our strengths as a platform for blockchain education and certification. We found that our ability to expand into new markets can also work effectively to expand our content library. Our experts have come up with new courses and certification programs for web3 technologies. You can also take advantage of certification from our blockchain and web3 certification programs.

We have always trusted the results of the G2 Report. Because of G2’s credibility. It provides a comprehensive assessment of our performance using real user reviews. So we can actually see how we are doing from the perspective of learners who have completed our courses and certification programs. In G2’s Summer 2024 Report, we will provide an overview of the various badges we have earned in two categories.

Build your identity as a certified Web3 and Blockchain professional with the Web3 and Blockchain certification from 101 Blockchains. This certification provides enhanced career prospects.

Online Course Provider

101 Blockchains has achieved 13 badges in the ‘Online Course Provider’ category, a category that focuses on platforms that offer self-paced courses. Our team also ‘Momentum Leader‘ badge and 12 other ‘High Performer’ badges. G2 has recognized us as a ‘High Performer’ in a variety of markets for businesses of all sizes.

Here is a list of badges I have earned as an online course provider:

  • High-Performance Company
  • High Performance Middle East and Africa
  • High performance UK
  • High Performance Asia Pacific
  • High-performance small and medium-sized enterprises
  • High-Performance Small and Medium Enterprises Middle East and Africa
  • High-Performance SMEs EMEA
  • High-Performance SMEs Europe

Want to enhance your knowledge and expertise in Web3, Blockchain and AI? Sign up for our Standard and Premium plans and get free access to 101 Blockchains Web3, AI and Blockchains Courses!

Develop technical skills

As a platform for ‘Technical Skills Development’, we have earned 20 badges. The most important credentials we have earned for technical skills development are the ‘Best Relationship’ and ‘Most Likely to Recommend’ badges. The G2 Summer 2024 report rewarded us with 16 other ‘High Performer’ badges, demonstrating our commitment to serving learners across markets.

Here is a list of badges you can earn in Skills Skill Development:

  • Items most likely to be recommended by users
  • Best Relationship Small Business
  • High-Performance Company
  • High-performance small and medium-sized enterprises
  • High Performance Southeast Asia
  • High Performance Latin America
  • High Performance Middle East and Africa
  • High Performance Asia Pacific
  • High-Performance Small and Medium Enterprises Middle East and Africa
  • High-Performance SMEs Europe
  • High-Performance SMEs EMEA
  • High-Performance Small and Medium Business Asia
  • High-Performance Small and Medium Business Asia Pacific

Users love us

We’ve said it many times and we’ll say it again: The ‘Users Love Us’ certification means everything to us. Each team member at 101 Blockchains believes that the ‘Users Love Us’ badge is a credible certification for their efforts. It shows that we have helped learners through our courses and certification programs. The ‘Users Love Us’ badge also proves the credibility of our courses, masterclasses and certifications to other learners.

Advance your career with comprehensive technical pathways and start your learning journey with the best learning resources!

Final Thoughts

The list of badges earned in the latest G2 Report for Summer 2024 demonstrates our effectiveness as a professional development platform. We have used the quarterly G2 Report as a guideline to move forward and provide the best resources for our learners. Our team has been exploring new ways to include more skills in the scope of our training library. Explore the extensive range of training courses on a variety of topics in our library and find your path to success right away.

Open your career with 101 Blockchains' learning programs

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