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Explore California’s first textile recovery law

What comes to mind when you think of plastic waste? For many, it’s a picture depicting miles of fishing nets, plastic bags and soda bottles floating in the ocean. Fair enough. But in recent years, a little-known source of plastic pollution has been quietly piling up under our noses. It is a synthetic fiber. Between clothes, curtains, rugs, furniture, and other household items, Americans mindlessly buy, use, and throw away tons of plastic-based fabrics.

According to Earth.orgApproximately 92 million tons of textile waste is generated every year. It’s about a dump truck every second. To put this into perspective, even though 95% of textiles can be reused or recycled, only 15% are currently being reused or recycled. What’s even more surprising is that fast fashion, an industry heavily dependent on synthetic fibers, is expected to generate up to 134 million tons of textile waste per year by 2030.

How big is the problem?

The textiles we throw away are not treated any differently than regular household waste. As consumers, manufacturers, and retailers all discard millions of tons of plastic-based textiles each year, they often end up in landfills, just piles waiting to be filled.

Here’s why: The appeal of synthetic fibers for their low cost and exceptional durability is a double-edged sword. Unlike natural fibers like wool or cotton, synthetic fibers like nylon and polyester can take hundreds of years to biodegrade. And because these materials are so cheap to manufacture and purchase, the amount of waste is incredibly high. Actually, according to statistics It was compiled by the Public Interest Research Council.Americans actually wear only about half the clothes they own. And considering that around 65% of new clothes produced are thrown away within 12 months, consumers seem to have no hesitation in discarding barely used clothes.

problem? When waste accumulates, the land becomes unsightly, unusable, and uninhabitable. Additionally, the tiny fibers shed from these discarded clothes end up circulating through soil and waterways as microplastics. Scientists and doctors aren’t yet sure how these microplastics may affect our health as exposure increases over time, but we do know this: It is now easily found in the air, food, drinks, and even our bodies..

California takes aim at fast fashion

The growing problem is the reasoning behind it. California Senate Bill No. 707 Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill in late September. It is the first “extended liability” and “takeback” law that seeks to reduce the amount of clothing going to landfills and hold textile producers accountable for the waste they generate.

Specifically, the law requires that over the next few years, California’s clothing and textile producers will establish and join state-approved and monitored “PROs,” or producer responsibility organizations, to plan and manage sustainable collection, transportation, repair and sorting. , and recycling of all textiles made in the state. And while a complete and functional program is still a long way from being implemented in the future, the law requires intermediate steps. For example, by 2026, thrift stores will be required to have drop-off locations where customers can dispose of their old clothes. By 2030, producers, processing partners and state agencies will have a more complete plan in place, including a mail-in return program and a wide range of drop-off locations.

What does this mean for clothing and fast fashion brands?

As the textile waste issue becomes more deeply embedded in the public consciousness, other states are likely to begin pursuing similar legislation. In short, it’s not a matter of ”.“What if” but “when.” So, the biggest question is how brands and retailers should respond to these policies.

One of the best ways to solve the problem of returned clothing and clothing waste is to utilize secondary markets. In particular, B2B recommerce platforms can play a pivotal role in reducing large-scale waste while helping businesses recover from losses, protect their brands, and remain compliant.

B2B Recommerce: Taking the Lead in Waste Reduction

There is a strong secondary market and buyer base for returned goods across all categories and conditions. Consider this: The recommerce market is currently outpacing the primary market due to a number of factors, including resale acceptance, new buyers and sellers, sustainability, and budget-friendly options. In particular, the clothing resale market is growing 15 times faster than the traditional market, and the demand for used clothing has never been greater. This presents a great opportunity for clothing brands and retailers facing legislation (not to mention a backlash against burning or landfilling items).

Many of today’s largest brands and retailers are already leveraging B2B recommerce and resale channels for returned and used items.

Best Practices for Moving Unsold Clothing

While traditional inventory reduction methods are simple enough, they are often not streamlined or scaled up enough to solve problems like clothing overstock. But today’s best recommerce platforms are global, flexible, fully managed, and built on data. Here are some best practices to consider as you explore recommerce platforms and develop inventory reduction programs with modern secondary market-based solutions.

  • Take advantage of unparalleled buyer demand
    You’ll want to reach a large, verified group of business buyers to ensure consistent demand for your clothing and accessories, regardless of quantity or style.
  • Prioritize solution flexibility
    When you’re looking to quickly clear warehouse space for slow-moving clothes while regaining value, our best partners can help you build a customized resale strategy with a variety of approaches to fit your needs.
  • Strive for accelerated cycle times.
    As once-trending items decline in value and add opportunity costs, it’s important to reduce the number of days inventory sits in warehouses. Qualified partners can help you move large quantities of inventory quickly and predictably.
  • Trust Pricing and Performance Analysis
    Our top quality partners record and analyze your resale performance. and We provide network-wide data from many relevant transactions to understand and forecast demand, pricing, and best practices.
  • Demand Management and Support
    Find an experienced account management team who can provide insight into market trends, listing guidance, dispute resolution and technical support.

Ultimately, partnering with B-Stock will ensure that your apparel-based brand benefits from all that modern recommerce solutions have to offer and that your organization will become one of the few forward-thinking companies leading the way toward a more environmentally sound future. We ensure that you become one of the companies. .

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