How to customize a public pool in UMBRELOS using the full node -BTC KNOX?

I am currently using BTC KNOX in UMBRELOS to solo mine on my node and experiment with public pools. I want to customize some of the following settings:
Coinbase Tag: I want to set a custom coin base tag for mining rewards.
Work/Task Update Time: I would like to adjust the full update work/how often the task is updated.
Other custom: Is there an additional setting that can be adjusted to optimize the settings?
With Datum, I knew that it was relatively simple to do these changes, but it’s not entirely comfortable for using Datum for solo mining on nodes. Public seems to be more suitable for my demands, but I’m not sure where, how or how to do this custom definition.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far.
I looked at the public document, but I couldn’t find a specific guideline for these settings.
I explored the BTC KNOX interface on UMBRELOS, but I didn’t see a clear option for this custom.
Can you guide you how to adjust these settings using public Is there a configuration file or a specific command to use? Thank you very much for all tips and examples!
Thank you for helping!