Botanix labs token airdrop guide

Botanix Labs is developing a layer 2 protocol called Spiderchain, which introduces a steak proof layer distributed in Bitcoin to enable basic yields in the distributed application field without changing the bitcoin core. They recently launched the final test, which means that you can perform potential token air drops in the near future. Here is the Botanix Labs token airdrop guide.
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What is Botanix Labs?
Botanix Labs is developing a layer 2 protocol called Spiderchain, which introduces a steak proof layer distributed in Bitcoin to enable basic yields in the distributed application field without changing the bitcoin core. The main features are:
- Spider Chain: Layer 2 protocol built on Bitcoin enables distributed applications without changing the bitcoin core.
- Steak: Add the steak proof layer to Bitcoin to unlock the default yield in the distributed application field.
- Distributed multiple seats: We have secured funds that have been moved through the multi -siges distributed from the Bitcoinbase Layer.
- Forward security: Protects user funds by removing attack vectors that threaten traditional rollups and central multi -seat designs.
- Validable random satellite: Use Bitcoin Block hash as a random number generator of the spider chain.
- Fair launch: Inherit the dispersion and fair launch characteristics of Bitcoin.
Investors in Botanix Lab include Utxo Management, Polychain, Edessa and Valor Equity Partners. The company raised a total of $ 11.5 million in two seed financing rounds.
How to get Botanix Labs token AirDrop?
Time required: 50 minutes
Here’s how to get a potential Botanix Labs token airdrop:
- Add Botanix Testnet to Metamask
Go to to connect your wallet. Then add the Botanix testnet to the meta mask. Transaction approval.
- Please log in to Botanix Labs
Go to and log in to your wallet.
- Request for testnet tokens
Go to and first log in to your Github account. If you log in, you will be redirected again to the Threstnet page. Select 100K SAT and copy the deposit address (starting from TB1) from the Botanix Labs dashboard. Then click on “Rain”.
- Transaction ID registration
Click “View in Mempool” to check the progress of the transaction and click on the small clipboard icon to copy the transaction ID. Replace the trading ID into the Botanix Bridge site and click “Register”.
- Claim deposit
Click on the “billing deposit” on the Botanix Bridge site to claim a deposit.
- Token replacement
Go to to connect your wallet. Change some of the testnet BTC to USDT.
- Steak token
Connect the wallet to and click “Get Mock WBTC”. Then see the pop -up and press the “OK” button. When the transaction is complete, let’s proceed with Mint PUSD.
- Like pusd
Go to the “MINT PUSD” section and deposit WBTC Cola Tral to Mint PUSD.
- Interact with the spindle
Connect to
- Spindle Mint Test Net Token
Go to the “Mint” section and Mint Testnet USDC and Testnest WBTC.
- Lend it and rent it
Go to “Lend” and lend the maximum USDC. You must first approve the transaction before the loan. After successfully borrowing, you can go to the “Borrowing” section and rent it for USDC.
- Rover’s steak token
Connect your wallet to Receive the testnet BTC and steak token to get ROVBTC. Do not make more shares than you have.
- Explore the Rover Ecosystem
Click “Ecosystem” and interact with various ecosystem projects.
- Complete Galxe and Zealy quests
Go to and to complete the quest of the platform.