
Web3 Titans reorganized the social pie startup ‘/Reach’ into a cryptocurrency Twitter.

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Famous cryptocurrency and NFT investors are backing social media startup ‘/Reach’ to revamp Crypto Twitter. Through Discord’s unique integration with Twitter/X, the company seeks to solve problems such as bots and low engagement quality. The full launch is scheduled for December 18th and promises a brighter future for the online hub of the cryptocurrency community.

We promise to fight bots and drive true engagement with innovative integrations.

A consortium of influential cryptocurrency and NFT investors has pulled back its financial weight in a bold move to address the rampant issues plaguing Crypto Twitter. ‘/Reach,’ We are a new SocialFi innovation company with a mission to “Fix Crypto Twitter.” The strong lineup of sponsors includes notable figures such as: Seedphrase, Zeneca, Pranksy, Gmoney, Dingaling and Mooncat2878All of them have previously invested in high-profile ventures such as: Blur, LooksRare, SuperRare and NFTNow.

‘/Reach’ co-founders L’anamour and 8an expressed their collective frustration with the current state of Twitter, citing issues such as fake profiles and algorithmic inconsistencies as reasons for discontent within the cryptocurrency community. “/Reach is here to change this,” they declared, backed by a protocol designed to tackle the problem head-on. After a successful beta phase that onboarded over 6,000 users, the company is preparing for a full launch on Monday 18 December at 14:00 EST based on the $REACH token.

The key innovation driving ‘/Reach’ is the unique integration between Twitter/X and Discord, a hub for closed cryptocurrency communities. The goal of this integration is to enable both users and businesses to bypass Twitter’s algorithmic quagmire and efficiently promote content to precisely targeted audiences. Additionally, users will be rewarded for their contributions to the network effect, creating a more dynamic and authentic ecosystem.

The project’s potential has not gone unnoticed beyond the cryptocurrency space. Major gaming and media players outside the web3 domain have expressed interest in leveraging this protocol to increase visibility. This approval highlights the innovative potential of ‘/Reach’ and its ability to impact the wider digital landscape.

Despite being the de facto “home” of the online cryptocurrency industry, Twitter/X has been criticized both within and outside the blockchain space for some time. Ongoing issues with bots, fake followers, and low engagement have raised serious concerns. A recent study found that many popular cryptocurrency profiles boast hundreds of thousands of fake ‘bot’ followers, artificially inflating their communities. These same fake profiles are commonly used to artificially promote projects, further muddying the waters of genuine interaction.

Even Elon Musk’s herculean efforts after acquiring the platform yielded limited results. Twitter/X is expected to lose 30 million users over the next two years, nearly 10% of its active user base.

Seedphrase, one of the biggest names on Crypto Twitter, known for owning the rarest cryptopunks and recognized as a senior advisor to ‘/Reach’, emphasized the need for change. He pointed out that Twitter/X’s average organic engagement rate is just 0.05%. This means strong demand for tools that can increase user engagement while providing stability in the face of algorithmic unpredictability and competition.

Seedphrase added: “Get Reach’s platform creates a collaborative environment where creators and contributors can unite to increase the visibility of Web3 projects while earning rewards for their participation. “The onus is on us to welcome businesses to web3, and I believe Get Reach is the perfect gateway for those with a truly distributed mindset.”

As the countdown progresses to the official launch of ‘/Reach’, scheduled for Monday 18 December at 14:00 EST, the cryptocurrency community and the wider digital world will be watching with bated breath. More details about the launch will be revealed on the project homepage. Twitter/X Monday’s page promises a pivotal moment in the quest to revamp and reinvigorate Crypto Twitter.

In an environment where authenticity and innovation matter, ‘/Reach’ and its prominent backers aim to move towards a brighter, more engaging, and bot-free future for the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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