This has been an influential year for gaming. There’s been The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur’s Gate 3, and many other big, critically acclaimed releases. star field 2023 will likely offer another creative high point for the industry.
But there were also numerous failures. Studios were shuttered, there were approximately 9,000 layoffs across the industry, and many big games failed.
Instead of recording more serious and depressing losses this year, Roundup aims to provide a lighter, cryptocurrency-oriented collection of the biggest gaming Ls. Grab some popcorn.
Logan Paul has not yet offered a CryptoZoo refund.
Controversial YouTuber-turned-podcaster-turned-pro-wrestler Logan Paul took advantage of the cryptocurrency craze during the previous bull market to promote meme coins and sell tokens for seemingly abandoned games. Crypto Zoo.
It’s been almost a year since Paul promised to refund CryptoZoo project buyers who bought animal NFTs and ZOO tokens for the yet-to-be-released game in early 2023. Paul previously said he would give away 1,000 Ethereum (now worth $2.3 million) to angry buyers who felt cheated, but Paul has yet to actually send any funds.
Paul is still face a lawsuit CryptoZoo fraud allegations led to his legal team being fired, a report says. YouTuber Someone recently posted a screenshot of a legal document.
And if all of this isn’t enough to fail, a one-man indie developer says his cryptocurrency-free CryptoZoo clone is a one-off “how many hours,” outperforming Paul and the entire team he hired to develop the game.
The YouTuber displays a seed phrase in his stream.
Last August, a blockchain game YouTuber accidentally The wallet’s seed phrase was revealed. During one of his live streams, approximately $60,000 worth of assets were taken out of his wallet.
The streamer was visibly shocked by the loss and was crying in the stream. He explained earlier. decryption He said he reported it to the police, but felt he didn’t know much about cryptocurrency and begged the community to return the funds.
After the funds were taken from his wallet, the YouTuber claimed to have contacted the person who admitted to stealing the funds. Soon after, about $50,000 worth of stolen assets were surprisingly returned.
Although this example has a slightly happier ending, leaking the seed phrase and losing approximately $10,000 worth of cryptocurrency is still a colossal failure worth noting. And a lesson to all of us to be more careful when streaming live to the world.
Creator League’s “Secret” NFT
This fall, a membership pass-based competition called ” will be launched.Creator League” sparked tons of conversation on social media, as it featured big creators like TikTok star Bella Poarch and OTK’s Asmongold. In addition, Mr. Beast, the largest YouTuber by number of subscribers, promoted it.
However, the Creators League quickly fell apart when one of its names, Connor “CDawgVA” Colquhoun, tweeted that he was resigning from the league because he was unaware that the league involved the use of blockchain. Chief Strategy Officer at OTK said later decryption His organization also did not know that cryptocurrency was involved.
The Creators League has been widely criticized on social media for not mentioning or hiding its use of blockchain technology. To make matters worse, there were confusing messages. Project representatives attempted to deny that the passes were actually NFTs, suggesting instead that they used blockchain to establish “transparency” with the community. At the same time, ironically, the community was not informed about the use of the blockchain.
After widespread backlash, Creator League was quickly discontinued. majority report eFuse noted that it laid off 30% of its staff following the project’s failure.
Unity makes developers angry.
Last September, game engine maker Unity announced new fees for game developers, setting “runtime fees” based on game downloads rather than a revenue-sharing fee model. This immediately infuriated the developers, who said:fucking angry” (and many other things) were worried about the new fees and that this might result in the studio owing Unity more money than it was earning.
After about a week, Unity apologized We’ve reverted some of the changes for presentation purposes. Specifically, it said developers who haven’t upgraded to the 2024 version of Unity will be able to avoid the new fees, as will developers using Unity Personal. Shortly after, Unity’s longtime CEO announced that he was: step down.
This year, Unity found that angry game developers are a force to be reckoned with. The widespread viral backlash against Unity’s controversial new fees has made Unity one of the biggest gaming failures of the year.
Redfall fell flat.
You’ve probably heard of Bethesda. star field It was released this year. But have you ever heard of any other games? red waterfall?
Unfortunately, Redfall received largely negative reviews this year. IGN He called it “an embarrassingly bad time overall.” escapist Steam reviewers panicked over the game due to the high number of reported bugs and low quality.yawnful storyComplaints such as “,” etc. were raised. Despite launching in May, player counts plummeted to near zero by October.
Valve bans flags with lumps of coal.
Have a happy holiday! Or is it not possible? This month, Valve decided to permanently ban a Dota 2 streamer known as Mason for gifting him a lump of virtual coal, citing its toxicity.
While streaming, Mason noticed a “gift” had been delivered to his account. He opened it and discovered it was a lump of coal that was “very toxic.”
Valve has permanently banned Dota 2 streamer “Mason” for his high level of toxicity after having him open a Christmas present that was nothing more than a lump of coal 😂
I’ve never seen anything like this pic.twitter.com/YZzSZlBKhu
— Jake Sucky (@JakeSucky) December 15, 2023
“Your Dota account has been permanently banned for smurfing or other violations of Steam’s Terms of Service,” the ban notice reads. ‘Smurfing’ is when a high-ranked player creates a new account to play at a lower rank and take down less-skilled opponents.
A Reddit user claiming to be Mason later posted his “behavior score“In the game.
Editor: Andrew Hayward