
Aconomy testnet opens to public for RWA on-chain tokenization and trading

USA, December 1st2023 / AlexaBlockchain/ – On November 16, 2023, Aconomy launched its Open Testnet and is seeing incredible success, receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from users. Within the first week of launch, the platform attracted over 1000 individuals, each actively exploring and utilizing its various features. These users are particularly focused on leveraging Aconomy’s capabilities for tokenizing real-world assets and trading asset-backed NFTs on-chain, demonstrating the platform’s appeal and potential impact in the asset tokenization space.

Economics: Tokenization, Transactions and Transformation

Aconomy, a true RWA-enabled decentralized exchange (DEX), allows users to tokenize RWA into asset NFTs, providing a 1:1 tokenization model. This innovative approach allows asset owners to bring physical assets such as luxury watches, collectibles, vintage comics, and even family heirlooms on-chain.

Simply put, they designed this asset tokenization platform to democratize asset ownership by enabling on-chain asset management and tokenized asset trading. With built-in engines for buying, selling, auctioning, exchange, lending, borrowing, and repayment, Aconomy provides a comprehensive suite of tools for on-chain asset management. This diversity opens new avenues for income generation, portfolio diversification and exposure to diversified asset management.

Key players and opportunities in Aconomy

  • Asset Owner: An individual who owns high-value RWA.
  • Asset Verifiers: Professionals and organizations that certify the authenticity of assets.
  • Investor: A party interested in investing in tokenized assets.

Interested in getting started with Aconomy? Take a look at our detailed guide for more information.

Aconomy also emphasizes autonomy, giving users unprecedented control. Asset owners can manage their assets on-chain, validators can approve or reject verification requests, and investors are free to invest in any asset. In addition to this, the platform also provides parallel business opportunities for validators, investors, and established institutions. This allows these validators and investors to scale their business or investment portfolio on-chain, connect directly with asset owners, and access unique antique assets without intermediaries.

Aconomy Testnet – On-chain RWA tokenization and trading

The Aconomy testnet is now widely accessible, providing a powerful opportunity for everyone to test and create their own asset NFTs. Through feedback from early users of the platform, it has become clear that Aconomy’s asset tokenization platform is in high demand from both asset owners and validators. This response highlights the platform’s potential to become a fundamental element in the future of the on-chain asset economy. The Aconomy team invites all interested individuals to play a role in its further development by exploring the platform and sharing their valuable feedback.

Getting started with the economy:

If you’re interested in learning more about Aconomy, here’s a quick guide:

  • Getting Started: To begin your journey in this decentralized RWA DEX, visit
  • Voila! Connect your wallet: Connect your wallet and then proceed to create your profile.
  • Import assets on-chain: Tokenize physical assets using the ‘Create Asset NFT’ feature.

Now you’re ready to explore the exciting new world of the asset economy with Aconomy.

If you would like to share your experience or feedback about using the platform, please click Aconomy.

Aconomy is not just a platform, it is a movement towards a more comprehensive, efficient and autonomous future in asset management. We invite you all to join us on this transformative journey and reshape the future of property investing and ownership.

Economy Introduction
Aconomy is a decentralized RWA-enabled DEX that allows individuals to seamlessly tokenize and trade real-world assets on-chain. The platform serves as a central conduit for asset owners, asset validators and investors, streamlining the process of converting illiquid assets into tangible capital. It provides asset owners with the opportunity to leverage and leverage the potential value of illiquid physical assets. For luxury asset validators, the Aconomy model offers a parallel business path designed to accommodate both Web2 and Web3 audiences. This expansion not only complements our existing services, but also allows us to explore numerous opportunities within the rapidly growing asset tokenization space. Additionally, for investors and buyers, Aconomy breaks down traditional barriers, allowing them to invest and integrate numerous proven assets into their portfolios. Aconomy is thus creating a new era of capital optimization, making it accessible to more people in the evolving asset tokenization ecosystem.

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