address bech32 – Bitcoin Core for Mac is out of sync and cannot access private keys

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Episode 23
I was wondering if you could help me. I’m new to Bitcoin and recently downloaded Bitcoin Core on my MacBook. I foolishly sent bitcoin to my wallet without realizing I had to sync it first, and it’s been syncing for a week now and I still have 46 weeks left in the year.
I have the passphrase, but I can’t see the private key at the bech 32 address.
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I can think of several possible ways to solve your problem.
- FWIU, your computer doesn’t have enough disk space to store the entire blockchain. You can configure your node to use: pruning Avoid using mods to maintain the entire blockchain. This will allow your computer to complete synchronization.
- Stop Bitcoin Core. Back up your wallet in at least one additional location. Move the Bitcoin directory to your external disk. Configure the node to use a directory on the external disk as the data directory. Keep syncing from there.
- Stop Bitcoin Core. Back up your wallet files in at least two places. (Test your backups!) Uninstall Bitcoin Core. Install Bitcoin Core on an external disk. Bring your wallet.
Exporting keys is generally not recommended. This is because you may want to export only the master key and not the derivation path or anything like that. If you are using the GUI, use the Export Wallet feature in the GUI to create a backup. Before deleting anything, we recommend testing the backup first by starting another installation on an external disk or a second device.