
Addresses – List of addresses received – Wallet file not specified error

So to start I have very little experience and this may be a simple answer but I am not finding it easily.

I suspect I’m using the wrong thing to achieve what I’m trying to do.

Blocks are being parsed locally to obtain transaction information. We then want to get each wallet address along with the transaction and check its current balance.

When I run this code I get the error “(‘No wallet file specified (a wallet RPC must be requested via /wallet/uri-path)’,)” which makes me think I’m not using it the right way.

If you’re not using the right method, what should you be using?

                received_info = rpc_connection.listreceivedbyaddress(1, False, True, str((output_address)))
                            if received_info:
                                output_file.write(f"  Received by Address Info:\n")
                                for info in received_info:
                                    output_file.write(f"    Address: info('address')\n")
                                    output_file.write(f"    Amount Received: info('amount') BTC\n")
                                    output_file.write(f"    Confirmations: info('confirmations')\n\n")

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