
Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy

New developments in renewable energy are making headlines in communities around the world, from remote Arctic villages working to harness solar and wind power under challenging conditions to U.S. Air Force bases planning advanced utility-scale geothermal power systems. And it brings hope.

As the world struggles to mitigate the effects of climate change and global warming, innovation and advancements in renewable energy have emerged as a bright spot. Producing solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, and biomass energy is better for the planet than burning fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal.

However, despite all the advantages of renewable energy, there are also disadvantages to its development and use. Let’s look at both.

The many (sometimes surprising) benefits of renewable energy

The benefits of renewable power sources are wide-ranging, some more obvious than others.

infinite supply

One of the main advantages of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and water is that they never run out. In contrast, non-renewable resources are not only finite but also more expensive as they require extreme extraction methods that reduce their availability and have a greater impact on the environment.

Carbon-free energy production

The goal of the clean energy transition is decarbonization. While carbon dioxide emissions from oil alone will reach 11.2 gigatonnes (Gt) in 2022, renewable energy generation produces little or no carbon emissions to power homes, cars, and businesses.

A cleaner, healthier environment

Burning fossil fuels such as coal releases air pollutants such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide, and mining these resources can cause water pollution and damage animal habitats. Using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels can help reduce these pollutants and mitigate risks to human health and the natural environment.

energy independence

Renewables provide stronger energy security by opening up new opportunities for domestic energy production, reducing dependence on foreign energy supplies. For example, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, European countries have sought to reduce their imports of Russian oil and gas. By 2023, Europe’s domestic renewable energy production will increase to account for 44% of the EU’s electricity mix, while imports from Russia will decline, helping to build a more reliable and resilient power grid.

Reduced maintenance

For certain types of renewable energy sources, maintenance costs for infrastructure are minimal. For example, solar power systems typically have no moving parts, require little maintenance, and can last 25 years or more. Hydroelectric power plants typically have low operating costs, require little maintenance, and have long-lasting equipment that can remain operational for decades.

cheap energy

In terms of cost, renewable energy sources once had a disadvantage compared to fossil fuels. However, as fossil fuel prices rise, renewable energy has emerged as a cheaper alternative energy option. Approximately 96% of new utility-scale solar and wind power projects had lower generation costs than new coal and natural gas plants. As more renewable energy sources are integrated into the power grid, businesses are implementing energy management programs to optimize energy use and reduce overall energy costs.

job creation

Both the clean energy and fossil fuel industries have seen job growth in recent years, but the former’s growth has been noticeably faster. As a result, clean energy roles now account for more than half of the 67 million jobs in the global energy sector. This growth is driving demand for additional workers and retraining existing fossil fuel workers to transition to renewable energy industries.

Obstacles to a Clean Transition: Disadvantages of Renewable Energy

Despite all the renowned benefits of renewable energy, the sector also has some drawbacks. Understanding the drawbacks of renewable energy can help organizations better plan their renewable energy deployment. Some disadvantages of today’s renewable energy projects include:

high initial cost

Switching to renewable energy technologies will save you money in the long run, but component costs and initial setup costs can be expensive. For example, a small business can expect to pay upwards of USD 100,000 for a commercial solar installation, depending on their energy needs. However, legislating for incentives, tax credits, and various rebates can help offset these costs.

Location and Land Requirements

Most renewable energy generation is location dependent. Solar power plants require uninterrupted sunlight, hydroelectric power requires water movement, wind power plants require open space, and traditional geothermal power requires proximity to a hot water source. In many cases, renewable energy systems require more space than traditional power plants. A study conducted by the ICF Climate Center found that large-scale renewable energy installations require 10 times more land than coal- and natural gas-fired power plants.

production volatility

Renewable power generation is vulnerable to weather conditions. Solar power is vulnerable to cloudy days, hydro power is vulnerable to drought, and wind power is vulnerable to mild days. Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee the amount of energy produced at any given time. To help businesses adapt to this volatility, solutions like the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite use sensors, geospatial data, advanced analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and weather data to create day-ahead wind and solar forecasts. Create.

Storage Requirements

Due to the intermittent nature of renewable power, batteries must capture energy during periods of peak production to distribute it in a controlled and consistent manner from periods of lowest production to non-production periods. Energy storage systems that support utility-scale applications are expensive, but technologies are being developed to support more affordable long-term storage.

supply chain restrictions

Supply chain obstacles are hindering the installation of renewable energy projects. According to a report by McKinsey, project developers face three major challenges: access to raw materials and rare earth metals amid anticipated shortages; access to the necessary talent and machinery; There is little supplier diversification for critical components. For example, in the case of polysilicon, a material used in solar panels, 79% of global production capacity is concentrated in China, making the solar power industry vulnerable to disruption in China.

Carbon Footprint and Waste

Although solar and wind power do not emit harmful emissions during power generation, the manufacturing, installation and transportation of renewable energy equipment often produces greenhouse gas emissions. Waste is also generated during the production and disposal of assets, with wind turbine blades and solar panels taking up landfill space.

Optimizing Renewable Energy Sourcing

Companies working in the renewable energy industry or interested in sourcing renewable energy can proactively monitor renewable energy trends with the right tools. IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite uses historical energy generation data, weather data and more to generate high-accuracy energy forecasts for wind and solar assets to influence key decisions at the enterprise level.

Try IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite for free. Schedule a Live Demo

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